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Looking at Conner, Marcus, and a few of my other men, I asked "you guys ready". Everyone nodded their reply. We had been hunkered down several hundred feet from Laney's property for the past few hours. Ela was made to stay back at the hotel along with more men. Ela could easily give us away if allowed to tag along with us.

Scoping the place out through high powered  binoculars, I can to the conclusion that there was only three men, and of course Laney. Earlier that evening, I got my first glimpse of Laney. After dinner, she wondered out onto the beach, drink in hand, and took a short walk. Laney was sporting one of her barely there bikinis, and I didn't really care for that. With my men watching, along with her three goons, I just wanted to rush to cover her up.

I gathered my men together for one last powwow to go over the plans again. "Remember no guns unless absolutely necessary. Once we have them sedated, you guys will sit with them. No one, I repeat, no one is to come upstairs with me and Laney. She's already going to be freaking out and if she sees that I've brought my entourage, she'll really flip". London looked at Conner. "I want you to guard the bottom of the staircase in case she slipps pass me". Then London nodded toward Marcus. "And whatever you do, don't let her go like numb nut here did the other day". Marcus rolled his eyes. "Fuck, she bit the hell out of me boss". London snickered as Conner teased. "Marcus got took out by a gurrrll".
"Man, fuck you. That shit hurt".
"You soft little bitch".
Marcus gave a sly grin. "That's not what Ela said".
Conner gave London a no the fuck he didn't look, then extended his arm clocking Marcus right in the mouth.
"Owww....what the fuck man? Can't take a fucking joke you cock sucker?"
"Apparently I can't" Conner replied flatly. "Okay guys, knock it off. It's time to move in". London replied.

They broke off into pairs and headed to Laney's house. Just like clockwork, the named Vaden stepped outside on the deck to check the grounds. Once he was off the steps, Conner and Marcus grabbed him. Marcus placed his hand over Vaden's mouth and pinned him to the ground while Conner injected a syringe filled with sleeping meds into his arm. "Nighty night" Conner crooned. Within a few seconds Vaden was snoring and they stripped him of all weapons and used plastic twist ties to bind his hands and feet.

Silently they moved into the house. Spotting Anthony coming out of the bathroom, Conner and Marcus repeated their earlier routine. Finally we found Petra hovering over a sandwich in the kitchen. To our surprise he was a bit swifter than the other's. Petra managed to pull his gun, but I quickly swung my leg out connecting with his hand, sending the gun sailing through the air. After a short struggle, we was able to sedate him as well. My men lined all three men against the living room wall to doze.

Taking the staircase as quietly as possible, I searched for Laney's room. Spotting a soft light coming from underneath the last door, I stalked toward it. First, I placed my ear to the door, but heard nothing. Just as I was preparing to open the door, I felt something cold and hard pressed into my back. I knew without looking that it was a gun. "London, I'm going to escort you to the door and your going to leave and never come back". I held my hands up and slowly turned to face Laney. "I just want to talk Laney". Laney gave him a whatever look and didn't speak. London decided to try something to divert her attention in hopes of grabbing the gun from her. "And maybe fuck babydoll. Your looking mighty damn delicious and holding that gun is really turning me the fuck on". Laney started to open her mouth to give him a ear lashing and London acted quickly.

Grabbing her wrist he bent it back until her grasp on the gun weakened and he was able to disarm her. Laney took off to another room with London hot on her heels. He spotted the gun laying on the bedside table that Laney was racing toward. I quickly ran and tackled her  onto the bed. Naturally she was fighting against me and screaming every obscenity in the book at me. Flipping her on to her stomach, I pulled her arms back and used a plastic tie to restrain her. Of course once I tied her hands she starting thrashing her legs out. Rolling my eyes I sighed out "Really Laney, must I do this the hard way?" She answered me by giving me a swift kick to my jaw. "Apparently so". I grumbled while restraining her ankles with the ties.

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