Short Lived

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I like to say after that night things got better but I'd be lying. London was working like mad trying to find out who was behind this new gang. A club of his got shot up and he lost another man. I do know he had captured a few men that night, but they took all the secrets to their grave, revealing nothing.

London would come home exhausted and irritable every night. Our relationship was starting to suffer due to this, but I remained quiet about it, not wanting to add more stress to him. But I was hurting to from lack of affection and communication. At least two nights a week he would come home, tell me to get ready for some formal dinner or party. Once there, I was ignored while he scoped the place out for info. Basically, I was his arm candy, his trophy. To be seen, but not discussed.

Occasionally, he would hear me talking business over the phone concerning my resort's. If he didn't like the decision I was making, he'd take my phone and proceed to call the shots. London knew this bothered me, but just said he was helping.

Then the day came when I threw my first tamtrum on him. I knocked off work early and was surprised to see London already home. Even more surprised when I heard a female's purring voice in his office. Straining my ears, I heard them discussing land transfers, then that bitch had the audacity to say to my man "You are very good looking Mr. Harper" London gave a chuckle and offered a thanks. He proceeded to continue discussing the land but she interupted. "Are you single?" Chuckling again London replied. "I am very much taken".
"Oh, that's too bad, we could've had so much fun".

That was it, I stood in the doorway and cleared my throat. They both looked up at me, London a tad surprised to see me. Miss red head gave me a sly smile, but I kept my resting bitch face pose. London finally spoke. "Laney this is Emily Michaels. Emily, this is my girlfriend Laney Valor. We was just ending our meeting" Emily smiled at me and said sweetly "So glad to meet you Miss Valor" Not taking my eyes from London I said in a flat tone "Pleasures all mine". Emily rose to leave as London made promises to contact her about the land. As she swayed by me she gave a tight smile while I just cut my eyes at her.

Once she was gone I slowly stalked over to London like a animal stalking it's prey. I stood behind his chair staring down on him. "Yes Laney?"
"What the fuck was that?" I hissed. "A meeting babydoll"
"No, a meeting doesn't consist of some thot throwing herself at you, and you just giggled like a little school boy"
"Laney I really don't need this right now"
"Oh I'm so sorry London. I'm so sorry that your head is shoved so far up your businesses ass you don't see what's happening here"

Getting frustrated London rose from his chair. "Laney you don't understand".
"Oh, but I do understand London. I understand that you want be doing any business what so ever with, with little miss red riding hood. Why was she here anyways? Why did you bring her here for a meeting? You told me yourself I was the only woman to have ever been here and you like to keep your place private". Running a hand through his hair London replied. "Your over thinking Laney. I was in a rush today and I had no choice but to schedule here. If it bothers so much, I want do it again".
"Damn right you want". At my words London spun around glaring at me. "Enough" he yelled. "It's just business, nothing more. Once I make the deal and she signs I'm done with her"
"Nope, your done now. This is one deal you will let go". Laney said yelling back. London threw his hands in the air cursing in Italian, then spat "Your acting crazy". That comment pushed me overboard. Grabbing his papers off his desk, I tore them into shreads. "I'll give you crazy. I forbid anymore meetings with that women. It's over". Feeling satisfied and in need of a drink, I stormed to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of wine and turned it up. I didn't bother reaching for a glass. As I was guzzling my comfort the hairs on my neck stood up. I knew London was standing behind me like the grim reaper. Suddenly the bravery I had just displayed crept away and fear took it's place. Tears sprang to my eyes. In a cold voice laced with anger London said "Do you realize what you just did?" In a weak voice I said "I forbid you working with her".
London jerked me around and there was fire in his eyes. "No one forbids me to do anything. I am the king and I make the rules. You have no business telling me how to run my operations. Never pull anything like this again. Am I understood?" I stood before him with tears running down my face. Slamming his fist down on the counter, making me jump, he asked again, "Am I understood Laney?" Shaking my head I barely mumbled "What happened to you?"

Picking up the bottle of wine, I went to the bathroom and locked myself in. Sinking my hurt feelings into the bubbly tub, I cryed silently. I'd been in there for quite awhile when I saw the lock on the door being popped. London stood in the doorway looking sorry.

Kneeling beside the tub, he ran his hand over my hair. "I'm sorry babydoll. I understand why your upset and I should have put her in her place when she started flirting. Next time I will".
"No London, I meant it. I don't want you to meet with her again. What if it was me and some client was doing that to me? Would you want me near him again?" London's eyes grew hard "I'd kill the bastard" Laney arched her brows at him as if to say see. London grinned "okay, I get it. If it means that much to you, I'll drop the deal".
"Thank you London".

London smiled, but knew he wasn't going to do that. This deal was to huge to let go. What Laney didn't know, wouldn't hurt her. "Is there room for two in the tub?" Laney shrugged her shoulders "I don't know. The other person that wants to get in is a huge asshole" London laughed and dunked her head under the water. Laney retaliated by pulling him in, clothes and all. Their lovemaking that night was sweet and soulful. "Was this our first fight London?"
"Yes, I think it was?" Snuggling into him she whispered "Let's never do that again". London agreed my placing a kiss atop her head.

The next few weeks was great and got back to normal, but it was short lived. Soon London was back to coming home late or popping up surprise dinner or party dates. Laney came home early to make London's favorite dinner and was almost done, when he came in. No greeting or anything, just get ready, we have a function to attend. "But London I was cooking for you. Can't we skip it?" Looking frustrated London said, "no, it's important". "Fine" Laney spat, tossing the food on the counter, causing it to spill out. London just gave her a look.

Fuck him, Laney thought. She slid on her tightest black dress. The cut very low in the front and was backless and slid into her tallest heels. Laney knew once there she'd be pushed aside for business discussions, so tonight she'd play her own game and make London sweat a tad. London took a deep breath as she emerged from the room. "Your beautiful as always my babydoll" Laney only nodded.


Noticing Laney was quite on the ride I looked over and took her hand giving it a squeeze. Her only reply was a half smile. Yes, I felt like shit for treating her the way I was, but the shit going down had to be stopped, and soon. The look on her face tonight broke my heart,even more so knowing she had prepared my favorite meal. I also knew I was taking my business frustrations out on her alot lately. I swore once I've killed this fucking leader, I'd make it up


Tired of being invisible and listening to London speaking business in Italian, I excused myself for refreshments. I was letting my inner fat girl out over some delicious crab rolls that I didn't see him standing there. Reaching for the same roll, I bumped his arm. "Oh sorry"
"No problem, and please take it. Your beauty clearly wins it"

I smiled up to him and found a very nice looking Italian gentleman looking back. "I'm Angelo Russio" He introduced himself while placing a kiss upon my hand.
"Laney Valor"
Miss Valor, or Laney, if I may, please join me for a drink"

Part of me knew I should say no, but the other part, the part pissed at London said yes. Maybe If London see's another gent attending to me he'll wake up. Time to play!


Finally finishing my business discussion, I noticed Laney missing. I recall her saying she was going for refreshments, but that was over thirty minutes ago. Scanning the room I caught sight of my blonde goddess entertaining another man. I watched as the man bent to whisper something in her ear and Laney threw her head back laughing. I was ready to get up and go over when I caught her cut her eyes toward me, clearly knowing I was watching. Settling back down I watched on. So my kitten wants to play games huh? Well, I'll let her enjoy a few more moments then take her home, where we will play my game.

I watched as this strange man kept making her laugh and filling her champagne. I watched as she giggled and batted those blue eyes. Oh yes, babydoll is going to get it tonight. Finally having enough, I made my presence. Coming beside her, I placed my arm around her pulling her in. "London honey, please meet Alex Risso. Nodding, I gripped his hand "London Harper" I spoke curtly. Without further ado, I pulled Laney away and we left. The ride home was silent, for I had plans with Laney. I would show her how to play the game.

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