Search and Rescue

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Hey peeps!! Hope your enjoying the story!! Seems like London and Laney can't catch a break to form their relationship. As always feel free to comment, I love hearing from ya!! Remember, if you like the chapter vote!! Alrighty now, y'all watch out!!♡


London's phone tweeted and he was hesitant to answer, not wanting his time with Laney disturbed. He thought it rather strange when Conner's name popped up. He shouldn't be calling, he's off on his honeymoon, London thought.

"Yes" London answered.

"What, where, what happened?"

Laney heard the urgency in his voice and sat up.

"Will be on this right away. Hang tight bro".

London disconnected and looked at Laney with devastation in his eyes. Laney knew whatever that phone call was about it wasn't good. Her teeth worried her bottom lip as she whispered "London"

"Come here babydoll"

Laney scampered over to him and he sat her down beside him.
She felt a sprig of dread creep up her spine.

"Babydoll, something's went down. I must leave immediately. Ela has been abducted from the airport".

Laney's face,crumbled and London pulled her into him tightly offering comfort.

"Wh...who has her? Laney stuttered

"We don't know yet, but have a few leads. Don't worry, between me, Conner, and my men, she'll be home safe and sound in no time".

Pulling me from him, London stood. "Babydoll, I've got to make some preparations. I know your scared, but the faster I move the sooner she's home".

Laney barely croaked out. "She's pregnant".

"Say what babydoll?" London said shockingly.

"She's pregnant. She found out this morning and was going to tell Conner on his honeymoon".

London stalked off to his office in a rush with Laney on his heels. She watched in horror as he took a seat behind his desk and started gathering his men.

London saw how petrified Laney looked and crooked his finger motioning her to him. She curled up into his lap while he talked on the phone stroking her hair.

After all the calls were made he rose and started packing his black bag. Laney watched as guns, ammo, knives, twist ties, passport, and syringes were stashed into it.

Once complete, London placed his hands on her shoulders. Babydoll I need you to listen to me". He gave a slight grin. "I know how hard it is for you to listen to me, but I need you to promise me you will this time".

Laney nodded through her tears. "Promise" she mumbled.

Kissing her forehead he simply said "thank listen. Go pack a few things. I want you to stay in my room at the Den".

"No London, I want to stay here".

"Babydoll it's not up for discussion. I'm not sure who we're dealing with and I'd fill better knowing your safe".

"Can't I come with you?"

London almost laughed. "Absolutely not. I want drag you into unknown dangers. You promised to listen Laney. This is wasting valuable time".

Laney nodded and went to pack a few things. Ten minutes later,  London was escorting her to the den. Once in his room he went over instructions.

"I'm leaving your three men in charge of you. Your not to leave this room alone. Keep the door locked at all times. They will escort you to all your meals and I will allow you to hang out until 10 at night in the lounge. No one will harm nor touch you. You can work from my office here if you like, but you mustn't have any business meetings or trips until I return".

London walked to the far side of the wall and showed her a hidden lever behind a bookcase. "Come babydoll".

Laney walked over. "In case of a emergency and you need to get out, push this down".

Laney was amazed when a slat in the wall slid over revealing a tunnel.

"Come, go in here. Here's the light switch, here's the lever to make the door shut back. On this peg is my keys and a extra gun right here. This tunnel leads to the parking garage. If you have to use this be quick and shut the door soon as you enter, and Laney, once you grabb the keys and gun run....Don't walk down the".

Laney nodded her foggy head.

"Good. Do you understand everything?"


"Okay, one more thing".

London grabbed her hand and led her to the table. He removed some paper's from his jacket.

"I need your signature"

"What, why?"

"No questions babydoll, just sign".

Laney snapped up the papers and briefly read. It stated that if anything should happen to London all his assets would be hers.

Laney dropped the paper's.

"No London, I won't do that"

"Yes you will. If you don't I can and will have your signature forged. Here's a pen".

Laney took the pen with shaking fingers. The realization that London may not come back hit her hard.

"Promise me London. Promise me you'll come back"

London cupped her face.
"Of course I will. I wouldn't miss out on you for the world".

Laney clinched her fists as she broke down. "No London, swear it. I mean it. Do more than promise me damn it".

London wrapped her in his arms tightly. "I swear babydoll, if I have to take my last breath to make it back to you I will. I'm coming home. Don't stress over me or Ela. We'll  be back".

"Will you keep in touch with me, just so I know your okay and what's going on?"

"Of course babydoll. I'll call you everyday"

"Call me every night at ten. I have to hear your voice and know your okay before I can sleep"

"I promise babydoll. Not a minute before or a minute after. Ten on the dot. Now please sign the paper's for me"

Laney looked at the paper's ready to sign then hesitated. "Once you return we destroy these paper's, okay".

London grinned and kissed her hair.

"I will be back Laney. It's a deal".

They held onto each other for several minutes as Laney tried not to cry.

"Oh babydoll your making this so hard. Don't cry".

London had to peel her arms from around him.

"I love you London so much".

"I love you to babydoll. I've got to go now".

Laney nodded and gave him one last kiss. She watched as he walked to the door.

London opened the door and stepped out, then turned to face her.

"Lock the door back babydoll".

He stared at her for a second taking her in. How he wanted to run back and throw his arms around her. Forget he was the boss and just drown in her.

Making his feet move, he said in a soft voice. "Remember I love you".

Then the door clicked shut.


Hope this chapter was enjoyable and that it tugged on those heart strings just a bit♡
Remember to vote if you liked it!! As always thanks for reading!!

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