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Hurt. Anger. Loss. Broken.

Raw emotion. I've cryed before. When my dog died when I was twelve, I cryed. When my gramps passed away, I cryed. I cryed when I was captured. I cryed when I finally broke down to London about my capture.

But no, this wasn't a cry. This wad anguish. This was my heart dieing.

London kissed her, comforted her. I can't breath. I need to go, get away from here.

From her.

From London.

This was no longer jealousy. This was defeat. This was maddening.

Am I really hyperventilating? Or is my heart caught in my throat blocking my air supply, trying to escape the pain.

Must go.

Must go now.

Gathering what little strength I had, I hefted my bags and went to my door. Lost in my misery, I opened my door and stepped into a brick wall. Looking to see what was blocking my escape, I looked up into London's eye's. I'm not sure if I saw clearly due to my eyes drowning in tears, but it seemed as if his eyes clouded over with worry and concern.

Trying to skirt around him, he used his hard chest to push me back in the room. Standing in the middle of the room, I shook my head no repeatedly. London started toward me.

"No" I shouted holding my hand up a crossing guard.

"Laney I" London started but I yelled again.

"Shut up. Just shut up. I don't want to hear anything you have to say".

I burried my face in my hands and wept. Hearing him coming toward me I snapped my head up.

"No" I screamed. "Stay over there. Don't come near me".

"Laney, babydoll. Talk to me".

Swiping my tears off my face I looked at the floor and brokenly said. "There's no more to talk about. Ever".

"Babydoll what's going on?"

I laughed at that question through a new onset of tears.

"You went to her" I croaked out.
"She was right"

"She was right". I repeated.

"Laney your not making any sense".

"I'm making alot of sense London" I yelled loud enough for the entire house to hear.

This morning she told me but I didn't believe it. Now I do. She was right".

London looked on confused.

"Please Laney, tell me what's happening".

"Isn't it clear London?" I stopped to swallow a sob.

"This is officially the end. No more. Finished. Gone. Done."

"Laney calm down. Stop speaking in riddles".

Taking a deep breath trying to gain a ounce of composure I coverd my face and mumbled "she was right".

London started toward me again.

"Noooo" I screamed clinching my fists.

"Marcela tryed to warn me but I was so fucking dumb. I thought I knew it all. I laughed at her"

"Laney what happened?" London said as calmly as he could

"She told me we wasn't meant to be. I wasn't right for you. That I was no more than your toy. That she was breed to be by your side. I wasn't good enough for that, don't understand my place in your life. I'm not Italian so I  could never be more than a toy to you".

Laney that's bullshit and you know it".

"No London. You went to her. You passed right by me glaring. There's my proof. There's my truth".

London broke the boundaries and grabbed her arm. "No Laney. I was beyond mad at you, at Marcus. When I came out there and saw you on his shoulders I nearly went insane. Murder was on my mind. It had nothing to do with her. I wanted to hurt you and I did. But believe me, I didn't kiss her. She kissed me by surprise. Nothing she said is true. You know that. I love you and only you. Always you".

Laney stared at him hard and spoke in a thick voice.

"Then prove it"

"I do all the time babydoll".

"No London, prove it".

"How Laney. How more can I prove it".

Laney flashed her engagement ring at him.

"I have a man that's willing to make me his. Willing to start a life. Willing to have babies. To give me his last name. What can you offer me London besides claiming me through sex only. Besides having me attached to your arm like some trophy at all your functions. You know what I'm asking".

"Babydoll you know I love you. I'd lay down my life for you".

Laney cut him off.

"But you want marry me. You want give me babies. You want completely and truly make me yours".

"Yes, damn it, Laney I would, but"

"But what London. It's now or never".

"Laney the timings not right. There's so much going on".

Laney held her hand up hushing him.

"Don't say anymore London. I've heard enough".

Laney picked her suitcase back up and said through sobs.

"You know, not once have I ever walked away from you. After you ditched me after our first week together I forgave you and took you back. After you hid who you was from me, I chose to stay and love you anyways. I stayed knowing what you do. After I was kidnapped and went through hell, I eventually came back to you. Then when you settled things with Marco I chose to stay, but you sent me away. Then last night there I was forgiving you again, ready to throw everything aside. For you.

"It's always been you, but you want give me a inch. I've never walked away no matter what". Laney eased toward the door then turned and looked over her shoulder. "But this is me, for the first time walking away".

London raced over and stood in front of the door. "You can't Laney".

"I can and I will. You no longer own me. Not heart, body or soul".

She saw anger sweep into his eyes but didn't fear it. She knew London would never harm her. That was one thing she was sure of.

"I won't let you go babydoll. You know I can easily hold you here, take you back to New York and keep you locked up".

"True London, you can do all that. You have the power and connections to do it, but the thing is you won't. Not with me. Remember, I am the one person who truly knows you. Now let me go" .

London was at a loss. He couldn't scare her with threats anymore. She knew he couldn't come through with them on her account.

"London let me go"

After a moment London finally scooted aside from blocking her path. Laney exited the door then stopped. Turning to look at him she whispered "Remember I love you".

London always told her that, now it was her turn.

Double Standards (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now