Taking It Back

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Spring had sprung in Alabama. Deciding to push work aside for a bit, I took Dem outside for a picnic. As I watched him play and nibble his carrots my thoughts wandered to my work. There was a major deal going down in Marrocc and I was itching to grab up that sweet land. Conner even knew about it and called to inform me it would be a great investment for the family, but I wanted it for my resort.

Since I am technically the boss I was going to purchase this land and I as well as the family would reap the benefits. A win win situation.

My only concern was Dem, I had never been away from him longer than a few minutes. I knew London's parents would love to keep him and take excellent care of him, but I couldn't bare leaving him. However, I knew taking him with me was a high risk and one I wasn't willing to take. These business meetings bring out the worse of the worse men. Selfish killers, other mafias, greed hunters. Things could go wrong fast. I've heard countless stories from London on such situations.

True, I could just send Conner and a few men, but getting back into working outside the home may help me alot. Get back out in the world and stop thinking of London. Picking up my phone I called Conner.

"Yes Laney?"

I laughed. "You sound busy?"

"Well I was getting ready to ravish ELa but you interupted".

"Sorry, my bad. I'll make this quick. The land in Marrocc we discussed, I'm in".

"Great decision chic. I'll have some men sent out immediately".

"No Conner, I'm going in. I'm doing this".

There was a moment of silence then Conner said in a bossy manner.

"Laney I won't allow it. There is a lot of dangers involved in this deal. Things you don't know about".

Feeling a bit pissed at his bossiness I spoke with authority. "Conner forgive me for asking, but who made you boss? I am still the boss, A.k.a., the queen. I make the decisions. True, I have let you call the shots mostly, but don't question my athurourity. Am I clear?"

Conner gritted out between his teeth. "Yes boss".

"Thank you Conner. I still love you punk".

"Yea, yea, whatever".

I disconnected and packed our bags. By nightfall I was in New York. I called for a emergency meeting in London's home office. It felt good seeing all these suits step in. Just like old times except I was sitting behind London's desk in the kings chair calling the shots. I brought Dem with me, and for fun I had him decked out in a black suit. He looked like a little, cute gangster. We started the discussion as the men passed Dem around spoiling him rotton.

Looking at Conner, I asked. "What all do we know about this deal?"

Conner had all the dibs. "His name is Franz Gillo. Mid thirties and a playboy. Has big mob connections with the Russians. We do know that other leaders will be there, which makes this a tricky sale. Some will try to assassinate him to gain the land. I imagine there will be deaths".

Looking at my men intently, I spoke. "Which is why I am going in". Holding up my hand to stop any refusals I continued. "I will be seen as this little, helpless woman who couldn't harm a fly. While trying to buy land for my resorts landed in the wrong place. I'm just some stupid chic to them. They'll never see me coming".

And how do you think you'll accomplish this?" Conner asked.

Leaning back in London's chair, I grinned. "Boobs. There called boobs gentlemen". And to refresh their memory I added. "Remember they got me the land that your precious warehouse sat on".

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