Pure Bliss

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Waking up the next morning, I stretched my arm out over the bed reaching for Laney. I was greeted by the cold sheets. I knew it, I thought, she had a change of heart and left before I woke. A sinking feeling started in the pit of my stomach, then I heard a soft humming. Sitting up, I heard the shower running along with Laney humming. Smiling I headed to the bathroom and slid in the shower with her. "Good morning babydoll" I said wrapping my arms around her.
"Good morning love" she sang sweetly. Squeezing her tight I said "You scared me". Looking confused she asked "how so?"
"You wasn't in bed when I woke. I thought you changed your mind"
"Really?" She asked irritated, Then stepped out of the shower turning the hot water off. I yelped and jumped back from the cold spray, while she laughed. Getting out, I gave her a pissed look. "Uh-oh, someone's angry" Laney teased. As I started toward her she took off running. I chased her down, tackling her on the bed. I brought my hand down on her ass. "Owww London, that hurt double because my ass is wet from the shower".
"Good" I said bringing my hand down again. Laney tried to wiggle away in pails of laughter. "You've needed this for awhile babydoll" and I smacked her ass again. By the time I was done Laney's flesh was pink. "Owww London". Rubbing her butt, I replied in her mocking tone "Uh-oh, is someone angry?"
"No, I don't get mad, I get even" With that she grabbed my nipple and gave it a good twist" "Damn it Laney". Taking her arms, I pinned them down above her head. Just like a well known dance she immediately wrapped her legs around my waste. Laney gave a satisfied exhale as I slid into her warmth. Best way to start off my morning.

The rest of the day was spent laying around being lazy and eating. We did have a discussion about my lifestyle. We agreed that it would be best not to share the sordid dealings with her. We both thought the less she knew the better. "London where is the Den at?"
"Why can't you tell me?"
"Because I don't want you showing up there"
"Why not? What takes place there?"
"It's my main office. It's where most deals go down among other thing's"
"What other things?" I hesitated answering. Not sure if it was wise, but decided to be truthful. "Drugs, guns, etc." After a moment she asked again. "I want to see it"
"No, it's not a place for you, I want have you associated with anything about my business".
"Is there other women there?"
"Then why is it okay for them, but not me?" London gave a groan of frustration. "Because they are whores, prostitutes. You are a lady and my lady at that. I will not allow you to see the things that go on there. End of discussion".

Laney huffed and puffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Narrowing her gaze upon him she asked in a hard tone. "What do you mean prostitutes? Your telling me you go to your office that just so happens to be adorned with hookers?" London smiled at her jealous reaction. "Honestly Laney, do you think I'd even look at another women. Why have spam when I have filet mignon at home" Laney jutted her chin out. "Good answer London. I'll tell you now that if you ever even think about it the least of you worries will be your enemies. I'll set you on fire". London chuckeld. "I know you will babydoll, I know you will".


Weeks had past since that eventful night. Everything was going smooth between us. I transferred my office here so I didn't have to leave London. London gave me the land for my resort and helped me with alot of my business decisions. He was so great at that. He never spoke of his business in front of me. When the men came over for meetings he closed his office and spoke In Italian, which I couldn't understand.

Occasionally, I would catch a english word here or there, but not enough to piece anything together. We lived like a normal couple. Came home after work, cooked together or went out and spent our weekend's having fun. Not to mention tons of hot sex.

Then it happened, I saw it first hand. We had just sat down to eat when Marcus,Conner, and Silas strode in with words flying. London jumped up and sprinted to his office. I saw them unload several guns from a safe and head toward the door. "London what's going on?" I asked with worry. Without answering he simply handed me a gun and showed me how to use it. "Why?" "Lany, no questions, just listen. If anyone comes in use this. Unload on them. I have men all over this building and they'll be guarding you, so your safe. Now I have business to attend to". He gave me a quick kiss then was gone. I paced the floor all night worrying. It finally sank in that London may not make it back. That he could be killed at any given time. Tears sprang to my eyes. I was curled up on my lounge by the window when I heard the door open. Jumping up, I saw London and ran to him. His knuckles was busted open and he had a small cut across his upper arm. "London are you okay?" He nodded his reply. Taking him to the bathroom to clean his wounds, I asked. "What happened? And don't give me that it's my business bullshit. You are my business and I have a right to know".
"Fine Laney. One of my men was ambushed and killed tonight. We went to avenge his death and succeeded. There's another gang in town and their trying to shut us down. We can't figure out who the leader is. This will be ongoing until we can bring the leader down".

Grabbing him in a hug I demanded "Do you know how worried I was. All I could think about was you getting killed".
"I'm sorry babydoll. I'm sorry. But I promise you that I'll always come home to you". I held him tight that night.

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