Happy Birthday

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It had been two weeks since London blew apart the breakfast table and locked me in his private room. Yes, he came and let me out and apologised a few hours later. Also my three men were set free on his terms, which is they basically have to shadow my every move and report to him. I can no longer give them orders, everything has to be his doing.

I would like to say things have gotten better between us, but sadly they haven't. Our relationship seems platonic. I know I asked for time, but damn. I'm still sleeping on my lounge by the couch, and we've settled into a routine. We have breakfast together then he leaves for the Den. I haven't been allowed back down since the breakfast fiasco.

After London's gone, I do my thing. He allowed me my phone and laptop back, so I can keep in touch with family and run my business. Then he comes home and we have dinner. Afterwards, he retires to his office or heads back to the Den.

On a few occasions I've tryed to talk him into hanging out in the couch with me, catching a movie, but he always has business to tend to. I'm really starting to question his feelings for me, I feel like more of a burden to him now.

Ela's no help either. She's so wrapped up in Conner lately, which I envy. I'll rattle off mine and London's issues and she'll just politely nod her head and say "it'll be okay". No advice or word's of wisdom. No nothing.

A few days ago I tryed to reconnect with London. We was in the kitchen and for once joking around. I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around him. It felt so good and right, except he didn't return my hug. Instead he softly removed my arms and went to hide in his office. That right there shattered my heart. The harsh realization that he truly was done with me kicked in and ripped me apart.

True, I know I said I needed time to sort my mind out, but deep down I always knew I could never part from London. No way, no how. I just wish he'd talk to me, let me know what I've done wrong so maybe we could repatch things.

My Birthday was tonight and with the help of Conner, we was able to convince London to let me out of the house to celebrate. We would be going to one of London's club's which would be safe. He'd instructed several of his men to be there on guard.

As we all got ready to head out, I noticed London missing. Finding him in his office, I gently knocked.
"Yes" he said without looking up from his computer.
"Aren't you coming" I asked hopeful.
"I'm swamped with alot of issues. I'll try to make it later".
"Okay" I said beyond a whisper and turned to leave as the tears clouded my eyes. Happy Birthday to me.


Watching Laney's face crumble as I rejected to spend her birthday with her twisted my insides. Yes, thing's had been rocky between us, and that's mainly my doing. She wanted time, I was giving her time, but I also knew I was being a asshole about it. What can I say, it's in my nature.

Tonight when she pranced into my office with that barely there dress, I wanted nothing more than to bend her over my desk and hide us from the world. The night she hugged me I wanted to scoop her up and crush her to me. Guess I just feel it's best to keep my distance so it want be so hard if she decides to leave once this is all over. For now though, I miss my babydoll and I do believe I'll join the party. After all, it is her birthday.


London's club was spectacular, but after our run in, I found it hard to enjoy my night. Trying to dull the ache in my heart, I kept the drinks coming. Before I knew it, I was having a grand time.

This hot Italian guy kept giving me the eye and finally got the courage to walk over to chat me up. His voice wasn't as sensual as my London nor could he hold a candle to my London's looks. However he was still a nice looking gentlemen.

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