The Waiting Game

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That's all I do these days.

I wait for London's ten o'clock phone call, then his morning call.

I wait to hear news on Ela's whereabouts.

I wait for the day London returns to me with Ela in tow.


It's been almost two weeks now since Ela's disappearance and London's departure. Waiting, in a way, is a form of tourtue. Your constantly waiting for whatever it is in anticipation, wanting to hear good news, wanting your love ones to return safe, wanting to hold them in your arms.

Me, I just go through the motions. I eat, shower, do alittle work, but even though my body is present, my mind is a thousand miles away. I'm lost without my London. I'm consumed with worry. I try to hide the tears and worry in my voice duiring our phone calls, but London knows. He always knows and reassures me that all is well. London tells me he'll be home before I know it. Right now I live in a world where a minute seems like hours, days seem like years. The hands on the clock never move.

London has informed me that it was the Latino mob that abducted ELa and she is believed to be in California, if still alive, but London doesn't add that last part. That's my own rapid mind saying that.

Supposedly, the leader of the Latino  mob has a bone to pick with Conner. A few years ago when there was a fight between the Italian's and the Latino's, Conner snuffed the leader's son. Alfonso is the Latino leader, and he staged the perfect revenge on Conner. Alfonso waited until Conner thought he had it all and was at his happiest to strike. That strike just happened to involve Ela.

London refused to tell Conner that ELa was expecting a child. I hole heartily agree with that decision for two reasons. One being ELa should announce her news to her husband. The second is that if ELa doesn't surrive this ordeal, Conner would not only suffer the loss of her, but a child too. That would be to much to bare.

The phone rung exactly at ten breaking my thoughts.

"Hello" I answered exasperated.

"Hey babydoll"

I smiled into the phone. Just his voice could ease my nerves.

"Hey London. How's everything?"

"Good babydoll, real good".

"I'm so glad to hear that. How's Conner?"

"He's still out of sorts which is understandable, but he's hanging in there".

"Good. Let him know I love him and all will work out".

London chuckled and said in a jokingly tone to ease the mood. "Oh, so you love Conner now do you?"

Laughing, I played along. "Yes, I love Conner, but I totally, head over heels, deeply, sickeningly, puppy dog eye's loveeee you".

London laughed out loud.

"Ditto babydoll, ditto. "We have ELa's exact location now and will be going in soon".

I sat quietly, absorbing this information.

"Babydoll, you still there?"

"Oh, yea. How soon London?"


I knew London wouldn't tell me precisely when to keep me from worrying. I was just thankful he did share what information he had with me. That was a major step for him. We talked longer than usually that night and shared a long goodbye.

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