Chicken Fight

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Waking the next morning, I gave a lazy stretch feeling the soreness in my mucles from mine and London's sex escapade last night. A smile creased my face as I remembered it, then guilt consumed me.

I was a engaged woman. True, I wasn't madly in love with Austin, but I cared for him and didn't want to hurt anyone. Then there was Marcela. Yes, I finally admitted to myself that I despised seeing London with another woman.

Even though he claims she's not important to him, he's still here with her, and even though she's a total hag to me I understand. I would feel the same way if my partner was under the same roof as his ex.

Still though it doesn't give her reason to treat me like garbage when I've been nothing but kind to her. Yes, I did lay it down on London last night and I feel a bit remorseful, but I'm nearing the end of my rope with her insults.

Jealousy is a ugly creature and I hate the feelings that accompany it. This is the first time ever that I've been jealous over London and I'll be damn if I let him get the satisfaction of knowing it. Plus considering that I'm engaged, I really have no right to demand anything from him.

Hopping from the shower I tore the tags off a red bikini that I'd purchased and slid into it. Without a second thought to the bite marks and hickeys left behind from London's possessive  lovemaking, I bounced to the kitchen.

I was mixing me smoothie when I heard a gasp. Turning I saw ELa  with a knowing glint in her eye.

"Omg Laney, what or should I say  who attacked you?"

Following her gaze, I looked down and saw London's territorial marks.
"Oh my damn, I totally forgot".

Ela snickered. "Conner and I had a bet on how long it would be before this happened. Looks like I won".

"Gee thanks best friend".

Ela tossed her cover up. "Put this on before Marcela see's".

Before I could put it on a voice interrupted us.

"Oh, there's no need to now. The cat's out of the bag" Marcela snarled.

Ela and I stood there like mannequins. Frozen, not knowing what to say.

Marcela took that as having the upper hand and continued. "I pegged you as a whore, looks like I was right. Mostly I pity you though. It's laughable how you can even assume London would ever be yours. He's the mob boss, your just some blonde, brainless twit. He's a killer while your over here like the virgin Mary. I was raised to stand behind a mob leader, you was raised in some backwoods small town. London needs a strong, Italian  woman as myself to guide him in the business. Keep your snowflake ass away from him. He doesn't value you, he can't. Your just another toy to him".

That did it. My temper was boiling. Walking over to her, I got in her face. I heard ela mumble "uh-oh".

"Let's clear a few things up Marcela. First, you know nothing of mine and London's relationship. Second, do you know how many times he told me he loved me last night while eating my pussy?" Ela choked on her smoothie spewing it out in utter shock.

"How many times has he left his beautiful claiming marks on you? Better yet, how many times has he allowed you to claim him? That's right Marcela, go count my marks I sinfully left on him with my whoreish ways. As for me not being Italian or trained to be his mate is a blessing. You know why? Because that's what draws him to me. I'm not some boring, jump at his commands lap dog. I keep him on his toes, I fight him back, but most importantly, I offer him a different life. A life other than the mob".

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