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Deciding to sleep in this morning, I was woken by my phone frantically beeping. Groaning, I rolled over, stretched my arm out to slide it off my nightstand. Fumbling with it for a sec, I finally managed to take the call. "Yea". I said in a half asleep voice.

"Um, boss, um, she's down here"

"Who's she and down where? Be more specific please". I said irritable from being woken.

"Um, you lady sir, Laney, the Den boss".

I bolted up immediately wide awake. "What do you mean she's down there. Why is she there and how long has she been there?"

"Boss she's in the pit visiting with the three men you brought in the other day. She's been here maybe thirty minutes".

"Why am I just now hearing about this?"

"Boss, with all do respect, I've been trying to reach you as soon as I spotted her".

"Did it not cross your mind to send someone up after me moron. Don't even answer that". I growled. "Make sure she doesn't move, not even blink. I'm on my way".

"Yes boss".

"Fuck" I groaned. In my haste to get to this pain in my ass woman, I just threw yesterday's clothes back on. I didn't take the time to fully button my shirt or adjust my tie.

Walking out of my room, I saw that the pain in my ass took the time to neatly fold her bedding and apparently make a huge breakfast. "I should just shoot her now and be done with it" I thought as I exited my pent house.

Entering the Den, I headed toward the pit where the men were kept. Opening the door, I was floored by what I was witnessing, there Laney was sitting all prim and proper at a table that apparently someone drug in. My three captives were seated across from her, thankfully still restrained to their chairs. The table was loaded down with breakfast foods, while Laney fed them like they were invalid. Then I noticed it was my food from my home along with my dishes she was using to feed these asshats. And that's when I lost my shit.

Removing my gun, I aimed at the table and unloaded my rounds. Egg, toast, and jams splattered everywhere along with broken china and utensils. Laney screamed while covering her ears and dashing to the floor. The three men rocked their chairs back so they would topple over for protection. Petro wormed his way over to Laney to lay his body over her, shielding her from the flying fragments. I was impressed by this, but would never admit it.

Standing there breathing in the sulfuric smell left by my gun, I kicked Petro off Laney and yelled for a few of my men.

"Yes boss"
"Sit these bastards back up and clean this mess up".
"On it boss".

Reaching down, I pulled Laney to her feet while she glared at me with a look of confusion and shock.
"The fuck is this?" I growled between clinched teeth. Laney's lip begin to tremble from being scared half to death. "Answer me". I yelled. Laney jumped and stuttered "I was feeding my friends"
"With my fucking food and dishes?"
"Giving them a piece of toast and water a day is not substantial food. They needed something better"

"The fuck they do" I yelled squinting at her stupidity. "What part don't you get babydoll? These are my captives, my enemies. Their fucking lucky to still be alive. Their not here to be wined and dined. And what the fuck are you doing down here?"

"I, I"

I cut her off.
"I, I hell. You don't come here without my permission".

Immediately I noticed Laney's stance change. She went from getting ready to be a blubbering mess to mad as hell. Stomping her foot down and wagging her finger in my face she hissed. "You can take your permission and stick it up your ass sideways".

I heard one of my men snicker. Sending him a death glare, he quickly busied himself with the broom. "Laney you do not speak to me in such a tone".

"Really now? If you don't want me to speak in such a manner then you shouldn't have busted up in here guns a blazing like some idiot".

Having enough, I swooped her up over my shoulder and led her out. Her hands pummeled my back until we reached my private room. Tossing her on the bed, I spoke "I'm leaving you here until you learn to control your tounge".

"Don't you dare lock me back in here. I hate seeing them locked up like animals. If it wasn't for them, when that monster had me chained I wouldn't have survived. They took turns slipping me food and water. So yes, I'll do it for them every chance I get".

Then she in a broken voice. "I want to go home".
Yes, that cut. I remember her saying that the night she found out I was apart of the mafia.

Spinning her around I growled "If I let you out these doors you want live five minutes. Just yesterday that place you had in Mexico was torched. And if Marc finds you, I can assure you it want be anything comparable to what Angelo put you through. And I'm out here trying to hunt that fucker, to save your neck, and this is the thanks I get?"

Laney just stood there as silent tears slid down her cheeks.  I took a deep breath. "Laney all I ask is for you to respect me in front of my men, not question my athurioty,  and listen. Then I promise once all this is settled you can go wherever the fuck you want".

I didn't wait for a reply, I simply walked out locking the door behind me.

A few hours later, I had the three men brought to my office. I needed to know how loyal they was to Laney and if I could trust them. I was impressed with how they cared for Laney and let no harm come to her. For that, I owe them a debt. After our chat, I assigned them to guard Laney if I wasn't present. They were given a room at the Den, but no access to weapons. They had to earn my trust first.


After London left me in the locked room I had a quick emotional breakdown. London shooting up the table terrified me. I honestly don't see what was so bad about what I'd done. I was just feeding them. It hurt when he demanded that I should be obedient while in front of his men, like I'm to be seen, not heard. Also for him to think I wasn't greatful for what he's doing for me. I truly am.

London holds my heart in the palm of his hands. I love him so and how I wish things were different. That his life wasn't so chaotic and filled with violence. Staying with him would be a test of time. What if we had children. Would they constantly be in danger, or expected to be apart of his lifestyle. I don't want that for my children. Then the stress of worrying if he'll be sent home in a body bag some night. I couldn't withstand the thought. I want him more than I've wanted anything, but at what price?

How I wish we could go back to that week we spent at the beach. Everything was so simple, normal. Since I've been apart of London's life, I've changed myself and I'm not sure if I'm proud of the changes. I'm tougher now, mentally as well as physically. London had taught me self defense moves as well as handling a gun. I would have never before given a killer, smuggler, or criminal the time of day. Now it seems that my morals are slowly slipping.

Gosh, I don't want to let him go, I'm not sure I even can if I had to. I know he'll never give this life up, not for me nor children. Yes, I get it. It's all he's ever known and the family expects this of him. He would never let his family down.

Seems I've got some decisions to make. Stay or leave when the time comes.

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