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Laney was cuddled up on the couch after dinner with London when her phone rang. Looking at the screen she saw that it was Ela, her bff. When she answered all she could hear was hysterical crying. Sitting up she said "Ela are you okay, calm down. I can't understand you"
"Oh Laney, it's horrible. Brian broke up with me"

Laney was a tad shocked. Ela and Brian had been a couple since jr. High. "Oh Ela, I'm sorry. Maybe he's just going through something and it will work out" Ela wailed out. "No it won't. He's to busy working out some slut he works with". Ela was loud enough that London could hear. London suppressed a giggle as Laney punched his arm. "Ela, I'm sorry. Are you sure he's seeing her?"
"Well if me walking into his office and seeing her ass bent over his desk counts as seeing someone, then yea I guess so". London laughed again as Laney gave him a warning look. "Ewww...Ela. Girl what did you do?"
"I grabbed the stappler and slung it at him, but missed and broke the his office window. Then I yelled and screamed throughout the entire office how they was fucking. I got carted off to jail, then lost my job, because now I have a record. He lost his job as well" Then Ela released another sob. "Where are you staying?"
"For now, I'm still at our apartment. He moved in with that slutbucket before I got out of jail".
"That fucker" Laney hissed
"Huh...that's not even the bad part. He also cleared my bank account out" Laney gasped "No he didn't?"
"Yep, now everything is due and I'm broke and unemployed". Laney thought for a second. "Ela can I call you back in a few?" Ela agreed.

Once the girls hung up Laney looked at London. London had a feeling he knew what was coming. "London baby?"
"Yes, babydoll?"
"Can you do me a fav?"
"Can you make him pay?" London nodded. "No problem, and can have some men down there by the morning and he want be a problem again" Laney gasped "No, not kill him. Just fuck his finances up. Remove Ela's money and do your magic".

Laney followed London to his office. She watched as he got Ela's money out and placed it into a new account then reeked havoc on Brian's credit. Once finished, he looked at Laney. "Now here's what we do. We don't tell Ela anything, to risky. We will loan her the money as friends, to pay her bills etc. And just tell her it's a gift. I can't put the money back into her account, because I'm sure this guy is going to report credit fraud and they could investigate Ela. If she's showing a new account she could get in deep shit. Got it?"
"Yes baby". Laney was all giddy. She'd always known London would help her any way he could, and had offered several times concerning her business, but she always refuesd. "Now I feel like a criminal". London laughed. "This is small time stuff".
"London can I ask you something else?"
"I was thinking, Ela is having such a hard time right now and I'd like to be there for her. Can I invite her here for a visit?"
London sighed thinking it over. "Laney you understand she can not find out me, right?"
"Yes, I know. As long as we are very careful and you don't conduct any meetings here duiring her stay we should be okay". London gritted out "Fine". Laney squealed and pounced on London giving him a big kiss. "Thank you so much baby. I love you, your so good to me". She ran out to call Ela.

A few days later Ela showed up. London felt like his manly, private pent house turned into a sorority house. Girls laughter nonstop, ice cream everywhere, coming home to pop music blaring. Not only that, he was responsible for protecting two females under his care now.

On the third day, Conner stopped by for a quick discussion. They was in the living room talking in Italian when the girls exited London's home gym. Both girls was wearing tight little spandex shorts and sport tanks. London caught Conner checking out both women. He was use to Conner teasing him about hooking up with Laney, but he knew neither would betray him like that, but still it ruffled his feathers and Conner got off on it. "Conner are you checking out my lady" Conner grinned "As always boss, but who is the other nice piece of ass"
"That's Laney's friend who is visiting. So that means she's under my care" London said pointedly  at Conner.

The girls skipped over in their little workout outfits. "Hey Conner"Laney said "Hello my little sweet thing" London sent him a glare as Laney bent down to give Conner a sisterly peck on his cheek. Before Laney's lips could get near Conner, London swooped her up onto his lap. "Bastardo" Conner hissed as Laney laughed. "Conner, let me introduce you to my friend Ela Peters. Ela this is London's friend Conner Butoni". Conner stood up and kissed Ela's hand. The pleasure is all mine beautiful lady".
"Conner set your ass down". London growled out. "Now we will continue this discussion in my office". As the men rose to leave, Conner winked at Ela.

Once in the office Conner asked "so what's her situation?"
"It's not for me to discuss. Don't go getting any crazy notions though". Conner grinned "She wanted it". They finished their discussion and Conner reminded him it was his turn tomorrow for a day off. All the men roatated days.

The following day London came home to find Conner crashed out in his living room watching chic flicks with the girls. "What the hell you doing here" London demanded. With pretend sniffles Conner replied "I never knew the notebook was so loving. It touched my soul" London laughed tossing a pillow at him. He clearly knew what his buddy was up to. Conner had plains to get Ela out of her panties.

Later that evening they all ordered pizza and just sat around shit talking. Laney went to answer the door for the pizza delivery. Ela was leaned over the kitchen island checking her phone. Conner stood behind Ela unbeknownst to her, pretending he was hitting it from the back and smacking her ass. London looked on laughing, which only encouraged Conner more. Laney came around the cornor with the pizza and caught them red handed. "OMG, really boys?" Conner immediately stopped and scooted away,while London continued to laugh. Ela stood up looking confused. "Did I miss something?" Conner laughed and said "a whole lot of something" Ela looked at Laney. "What happened?" Laney shook her head "Just watch bending over for now on". Ela's eyes glanced at her butt then at Conner. "What the fuck did you do to me perv?" Conner held his hands up. "Hey I didn't do anything that our shadows didn't want to do". Ela rolled her eyes "God, your so stupid"
"That's not what your shadow was saying. Your shadow was backing all up into it saying take it daddy, take it"
"Screw you. My shadow was laughing at your tiny ass". Finally Laney intercepted. "Y'all stop, listen to yourselves. Your arguing over shadow fucking". Conner grinned at Laney "Well your shadow never argued with me Laney". London immediately stopped laughing and jumped up to chase Conner. As Conner ran, skirting between furniture to dodge London, he continuously taunted London. "That's right brother, I rode Laney's shadow long and hard. She was like London Harper who?"
"I'll kill you" London growled grabbing Conner's arm finally. The girls watched as the suppose to be men rolled around on the floor like idiots.

Later that night in bed Laney said "I don't give it another week before it happens between them".
"If that long" London agreed.
"Ela probably needs it, just to help get over that bastard ex of hers."
I just hope Conner doesn't get attached" Laney looked at him.
"Think about it, she's going back home soon, plus she knows nothing about who and what we are.
"I didn't either London" Laney thought for a moment. She knew from stories she'd heard that some of these mafia men take what they want. Kinda like how London did her at first, but some actually force them to stay. "Is Conner one of those that stake their claim?" London knew exactly what Laney was hinting at. "I'm not sure. He's never really found a girl he wanted to stick around yet. All he wants right now is to get laid, so I'm not worried to much".

A few days had passed and Conner seemed to always be over. "Damn London how long does these southern girls make you wait". London laughed. "Took me almost a month with Laney. You got to figure Ela is just coming out of a bad breakup".
"Yes, I know. We talk on the phone most nights". That sent red flags up to London. Conner has never been a phone person, especially with women. "What's your intentions Conner".
"I'm not sure London".

At dinner that night, he noticed a difference in Conner. He seemed glued to Ela's side. London spoke to Laney about it later. "I think Conner is going to make his claim on Ela"
"When she learns what he truly is how will she react?"
"I honestly don't know London. I imagine she'll freak just like I did".

Double Standards (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now