Chapter 2- Exhausted!!

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Rithu's POV

When the moment I opened my eyes on Friday my heart started to race and I felt so nervous because I don't know what's going to happen today.

I abruptly stood up from my bed and walked into the lavatory like a zombie, after finishing off my morning chores I came out and noticed the time was 8.15 am. My eyes widened in shock because today I have to be in college at 8.45 am.

I rushed my mom to pack my lunch. After getting that I started running to the bus stop.

Today I am having my project presentation and added to that Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh was coming home to see me. I wanted only one that this day has to end very soon without any problem. God, why everything is happening in one day, grant me more luck...please, I prayed mentally.

Yesterday dad was talking about them to my mom. I have seen Mr. Rajesh because he's a very good friend of my father, doing several businesses and he is one of the richest people in this city. But I don't know that he's having a son.

I didn't ask about anything to my dad; my mom only said about all these things to make me understand about the importance of this marriage, and also to brainwash that getting married is not at all a strange thing.

But nothing got into my head and I am not very interested in hearing that because my mind was filled only with my project work. I felt so nervous thinking about how will be the outcome of my project work than this marriage.

When the moment I entered the bus that was about to take, unknown happiness spread across my heart attaining the first success of this day. Breathing heavily I sat on the seat near the window.

After thirty minutes of traveling, I reached my college, then again I started running giving out all my energy when I entered my class, Nithya and Shana were impatiently waiting for me and that is evident from their facial expression.

Later we went to our project guide to submit our thesis, she carefully checked our project and asked some questions and also pointed out some mistakes to correct.

We fixed the errors and got the signature from her and then we presented our project confidently. Even though I am hell nervous I thought only one thing that I have to do my best. After the completion, the external examiner greatly appreciated me and my work. I felt really happy and relieved. Coming out of the examination hall with a successful smile I sighed deeply. Grabbing Nithya and Shana's hand we walked to the canteen, where we had our favorite veg roll, milkshake, and some cookies, a small celebration party for completing the project successfully and we had a great time.

Then suddenly I remembered my mom's word and I looked at my watch it's already 2.30 pm.

I said to Nithya about their visit that they are coming to my house at 3.30pm. She asked me to go home and also wished good luck.

I rushed again to catch the bus but I was ten minutes late in those ten minutes my dad called me about 20 times.

When I entered my house my mom was preparing some snacks the smell tempted me to eat but sadly I can't do that now. I don't have time so I immediately went into my room and changed my clothes. I wore a peach-colored saree, I tied my long hair in a braid and I applied light makeup, at last, I put some jewels to look more elegant. I thought I am good when I see myself in the mirror and my mom came into my room.

She looked at me with a surprise and she was smiling from ear to ear. Mom complimented that I am looking so beautiful in the saree and she hugged me,

"Mr. Rajesh family going to like you, dear." Hearing that I worried not because of what they are going to think of me since I am doing this only for my parents but, they were having high hopes that this marriage will definitely happen.

What if they don't like me? I thought and my smile faded away.

That time I heard someone entering our home my dad called my mom. She looked in a way that told me to be ready.

After she went to the living room I heard some greetings and laugh, at that time I felt a little nervous then my dad summoned me. Before going out I took a deep breath and walked into the living room.

I greeted Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh. Mr. Rajesh smiled by seeing me and I smiled back. He must be sixty or sixty-five something, he looked very calm and by his looks, I can say he must be a more mature person. Then I turned my gaze to Mrs. Rajesh she smiled and I smiled back; she looked calm and a composed woman and I admired her beauty even though she's aged but still having grace in her smile.

Mrs. Rajesh called and asked me to sit beside her and she inquired about my studies and Mr. Rajesh was busily talking with my parents about business and after some time they forget about me and talked among themselves about family, business, etc.

At that time I was wondering why their son didn't come and my thoughts were wondering about him on how he looks, whether he is tall or short, dark or fair and all.

By seeing my parents and Mr. Rajesh family I thought they will definitely going to make this marriage happen.

In between their talk, I heard

"Vikram was about to come today but he was so busy Kishore that's why he didn't come." Mr. Rajesh reasoned his son's absence to my dad.

Oh, Vikram is their son's name!! I thought to myself and I somewhat relished that name.

Mr. Rajesh also said that he has sent my picture to him and Vikram is ready for the marriage, hearing that my mom and dad looked at me, and I felt really awkward to sit there. Then my dad saved me from embarrassment by starting to speak about the dates for the engagement and marriage.

Mr. Rajesh said Vikram wants a simple marriage he doesn't want an expensive engagement function so we can keep that in our home and marriage after one month. Hearing that I was relieved, I also hate this kind of expensive engagement functions, it's kind of a burden for my parents.

At last, they decided to keep the engagement after five days and marriage on May 5. Then at 6.30 pm, they decided to leave, and Mrs. Rajesh smiled and said goodbye to me.

After they left I changed into my sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt and went to the terrace with my phone and started listening to some random songs on my playlist, the slow and chill breeze made me feel better.

But my thoughts were turned on that mysterious Vikram, what kind of person he is, how I am going to meet him and how he will talk with me and all.

Thinking about him I felt an unknown curiousness but there is no use I have to wait for five more days to see him.

Then a small raindrop fell over my hand and it's also getting dark, so I went back into the home.

My mom and dad were discussing on how many people to invite, buying dresses, Jewels and about other preparations when I entered the living room, I didn't disturb them and went straight to my room silently.

I started to study for my written exams but I am disturbed again because of that mysterious Vikram.

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