Chapter- 27 Sudden Hug

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Vikram's Pov

Love is a feeling that can be felt when we really love someone, it is a feeling that not allow us to move forward and stick with the person who makes our world filled with their images.

When I read this passage I smiled because it's what happens to me now. I am slowly falling in love with rithu. I don't know how I started to like her but now I can't live without her I don't know how truly I am loving her but I can't move further in my life without her presence.

When my dad asked me about having kids I assure him that I will think about that. I know they're eagerly waiting to see their grandchildren and I also wanted kids.

Before going to sleep, morning at the moment I wake up, I always wanted to see her face so I asked Rithu to stay in my room. I know she also wanted to take this marriage To a next level but I already decided to make that happen, but in my way I always not say the things what I really felt, I lived like that and I can't change that also.
I wanted to hug her, kiss her and make her all mine but not all of a sudden.

She was surprised by my actions, I really like when she looked at me surprisingly she's really cute, I always want to pinch her cheeks when she looked over cute, but I controlled myself I going to make things slow between us and that way I believed a strong relationship can happen. I am a man having several responsibilities Rithu, I know she will always stand by my side and I want to make her as a princess to my world.

When I came home, Rithu opened the door for me she was gorgeous than anything in this world, but I brushed off my thoughts and I didn't show my interest in her, I liked to play with her by pretending to act like I am not interested in her, but the truth is I can't keep my eyes out of her.

The way she's looking at me and talking to me made something inside me and it feels different.

After attending the function, we came home, I noticed Rithu was going to change her dress, but an idea bumped in my mind. We were both looking good how about taking a picture I thought. So I Called her and took a photo of her. And I am going to keep her as my wallpaper, I thought.

We watched TV for some time I have the remote and Rithu asked me to put some music channels so I did, she was sitting on one side I on the other side and she placed her legs to my side she was wearing a silver anklet and also a ring in her toes which I put during our marriage ritual(tradition of Tamil wedding) I looked at her feet, even her feet are so beautiful, I thought.

Then I realized that I have to finish some work so I went inside and left my princess alone even though I badly want to be with her, and I wanted to do several things with her but it's not the right time, so I went.

I was working on the calculations and also thinking about the next project, it is about building a hotel, several offers were lining up so I work hard to catch all that. When I was busy in working Rithu came inside and laid on the bed. I didn't look at her because I don't want to distract myself. God.... why I asked her to stay in my room she's making me think only about her if this continues I can't control myself.

After finishing up the important works I looked at the watch it was past twelve, I looked at Rithu she was sleeping peacefully, Rithu staying in my room helped me one thing that I don't want to stalk her in the night to see her.

I went to the bed and laid facing her and looked at her she was cute I looked at her for some time, then I felt sleepy so I turned off the lights.

I went near her and I enclosed her by hugging her in my arms, her face was touching my chest I kissed her forehead an intimated sensation aroused in me but I can't take advantage while she's sleeping so I controlled that and suddenly she put her arms and legs around me. Now I became a teddy bear for her. I didn't take her off me but I hugged her even more tightly.

I waked up from my sleep when Rithu tried to remove my hand from her waist but I even gripped my hold, I like playing with. But surprisingly she didn't protest instead started to touch me, she touched my cheeks and my hair but I didn't show anything and waited for what she going to do, she placed her hand in my head I felt a comfort and I want her hand to caress my hand.

I want to see her cute shocking face in the morning so I opened my eyes and looked at her, she didn't disappoint me.... then she pulled away and went into the bathroom, I thought why she's this shy god how I am going to manage with her in the future.

Then I get off from the bed and freshened up myself in the other room and went for the jogging.

When I came back Rithu was busy in preparing Pongal the smell itself tempted me to eat, it was one of my favorite dishes and I ate that before a year. She gave that to me she was wearing a salwar and her long hair was wet that floating here and there when she walks. God why you're doing this to me Rithu...

She asked me that she's going to temple and I allowed her because she's always in the house and it would be boring for her. But I said to come earlier and she agreed.

The day went off I was busy with my work and Rithu was busy with her work. She reminds me Lakshmi ma a lot, she's so nice and caring just like her, I thought.

She left me and went to the temple, for some time I didn't think about her but Time goes I thought when she's going to come then I brushed off my thoughts and again started to work but my mind was thinking about her I took my cell phone to call her but I thought it's not a good idea, then I went to the balcony and looked at the entrance and waiting for her to come but she's not coming.

Then I saw shakthi and Priya alone coming and Rithu is not coming with them.

I waited near my door when shakthi saw me she smiled,

Where's Rithu, I asked her.

She went to the shop to buy something, she said.

Oh ok, I said and locked my door to go outside because it's already late and I can't allow her to walk alone in the street.

I went to the shop in the corner of our street and she's not there and searched in the other shops but she's not anywhere. I felt really restless, worried and I checked my pocket god I left my phone in the house, so again I walked to my house.

When the elevator door opened I saw Rithu was standing in front of the door and she looking at her foot, I want to hug her right now god she made me worried. She looked at me and smiled.

Where did you go, I was waiting for you for about ten minutes, she said.

But I didn't say anything I opened the door and entered inside and she followed me.

Why you're not answering me are you mad at me, she asked slowly.

I just turned and looked at her she looked at me confusingly. I pulled her hand and hugged her as tight as I could for making me worried and this her punishment.

Don't ever go anywhere without saying to me, I said firmly in her ears and she's jerked by my voice and I didn't free her from my hug.

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