Chapter 12 I hate him

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Rithu's POV

He sat on the couch and asked me to sit beside him, so I did quietly. The room was filled only with an awkward silence and coldness. There's a huge LED TV before us and that reflected me and Vikram. Being in an unusual place with a total stranger made me feel nervous. I have never been away from my family but thinking about that I am going to spend my time with the man who is sitting next to me who I know nothing is kind of exciting too.

"OK, I want to say this. We're going to stay in separate rooms but you can use my room," he stated.

What?? I mentally asked and looked at him.

Leaving out a sigh he continued, "I don't have another option I have to say this. I married you because of my parents but I having so many commitments right now and I am not ready for this marriage life to do you understand what I am saying?" he asked me.

I nodded I know this it's not a shock to me. I can understand you Mr. rude...

"Then I can't be in the home all the time so don't bother about that and I want only breakfast and dinner it also depends on the time so I will message you about dinner plans."

"Okay," I nodded.

Then he handed me a credit card and said: "keep this with you and buy whatever you needed."

I nodded and bought the card in my hands.

"Then keep the house clean and you can keep your things in my room because it won't cause any misunderstandings if our family come here, okay?" he looked and I nodded my head for that also.

Then he pointed the room next to his room and asked me to sleep there. Later he went inside his room and closed the door without giving a chance for me to speak.

I sat on the couch my anger exceeded it's top range what he is thinking of me?
Am I looking like a slave? Or a maid?

How can he make orders like this!

Is he thinking that wife is a maid who works for free! What type of person he is? God... I want to yell at him but I controlled my anger, after all the good girl in me stopped all the storm that aroused in me.

I slowly stood up and went inside the room with my bag. I don't want to unpack now so I closed the door and changed to my pajamas. I laid on the bed and thought about Vikram but there's no use in thinking about that, this is my life and he is the one that god has chosen for me. I advised me while looking at the ring that Vikram put on my finger on our engagement.

I hope this circumstance is just a temporary one, life will never be in a same way right and I better don't want to jump into conclusion about Vikram's character. After all he is thinking me as a mere stranger he married for his patents words, so expectations will lead only disappointments. Better i will try to accept this with all my heart.

I noticed that there's a big window in the room so I got up and opened the door, a cool breeze made me smile I felt somewhat refreshed. I gazed the big buildings and the busy road for some time. Then again I laid on the bed and slept without realizing to close the window.

Next morning I opened my eyes due to the illumination of sun rays from the window. So I quickly got up and took my phone to check the time my eyes widened in a shock, it was past 9.00am, then I ran to the bathroom and quickly finished my morning chores and came out. I felt somewhat nervous to open my room door but pulling out my courage I slowly opened and came outside.

I noticed that Vikram's room was wide open so obviously I came to know he's not there then I went to the kitchen and surprised to see Vikram has already prepared breakfast for me. Then I noticed there's a note in the fridge a phone number and call me. So I ran to get my phone to call him.

After the third ring, I heard Vikram's voice.

"Hello, I am Rithu speaking,"
"I am sorry I didn't get up early today," I added.

"It's okay but don't continue this," he said firmly.

I felt even sadder and I thought he's so rude. "Sorry," I said again.

I never late in the morning, but today I don't know what got into me.

"Don't be sorry, I will message you about the dinner today I think I will be late to come home, okay I will message you," he said hurriedly and ended the call.

Then I ate my breakfast it was good and I badly want to speak with my mom so I called her and talked with her for thirty minutes but I didn't say anything about Vikram, maintained that everything is normal. Later I called Lakshmi aunty and talked with her for ten minutes. I wanted to call Riya but I thought she may be in her class so I went to my room.

I thought about Vikram and in these few days I understand few things about him.
1. He's so bossy, rude and ordering me.
2. He's so punctual.
3. He can cook.
4. He is cunning and Last he didn't like me.

But he is sweet with his family, and acting so good with my parents. He is a gentleman too cause he didn't rushed the things between us.

I thought about this and I have concluded to not get angry about him because it will make consequences and I thought what If I show my anger will he beat me or will he make me get out of his house ugh Oh My God I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

Then I went out of my room and entered into Vikram's room it was so neat and clean and I realized he locked all the cupboard doors when I tried to open one. I thought he may have several important things.

I came out and went outside of the  house, there is a little girl playing in the lobby I asked her what's her name she said Priya. "Nice name dear," I said to her then a girl around my age came out and Priya went and hugged her by calling mom.

"Hi," she smiled brightly.

"Hi," I said to her.

"Oh you're Vikram's wife right," she asked me.

"Yes," I nodded smilingly.

"I am Shakthi we're living next door," she said.

"Oh I am Rithu, nice to meet you," I said.

"Come inside," she invited me to her house.

"No I am having some work I will come later," I said to her.

"Okay sure, if you need any help call me," she went inside and her warm gesture pleased me, thank god I got a good neighbor. In this unknown place at least someone is there to smile at me.

I went inside and started to unpack my bag I kept all my dresses in the cupboard, I decided to ask Vikram that what are the things I have to keep in his room.

After finishing my work I felt hungry there's a leftover from the breakfast so I had that, then I thought what Vikram is eating for his lunch or whether he had his lunch or not. I want to call him but I thought he's so punctual so he won't skip his meals.

I went to my room, I didn't know when he will come and what to prepare for dinner I felt sleepy thinking all this and eventually the sleep engulfed me.

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