Chapter-16 Slowly falling in Love

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Vikram's POV

I waited for Rithu hoping that she will send me off by giving a beautiful smile like every time. By Putting the sock I glanced at her room, it is closed. I stood up and looked into kitchen. But she was not there too.
With a distressing anticipation I walked out of the house.

While I am leaving I always notice Rithu standing on the door side or on the outside, anywhere opposite to me, pretending like talking in phone or doing something.
It has become a habit to see her while leaving to work. I thought whether she's started to like me but I don't know and also I don't want to know that. But I felt I started to like her presence and that's why I started avoiding her.
Maybe I am stupid to act this way but this is the best, if I started to like Rithu then it is difficult for me to concentrate on my work. In five to six months my current project will be finished then I am going to start work on another project. The work is getting busier and I felt like I don't even have a minute to breath.

Today while I was on the construction site I was slipped in the steps actually I was always conscious and careful but I fell down while seeing the construction.
I injured my right arm and I fell unconscious. Then they admitted to the hospital. Once I opened my eyes they informed me everything and I asked them to go and continue their work then I slowly sat on the bed and thought how I am going to handle this situation.

Suddenly I felt someone presence on the door side I turned my head and looked it was Rithu standing there with a crying face she was breathing heavily, it is evident that she ran here to see me.

She slowly walked towards me and asked how I got hurt cryingly.

I said what happened then she stopped crying. I thought why she's crying I felt she's concerning about me more than I thought she would be and I felt she has feelings for me.

I comforted her because she's is crying for me, worrying about me and I don't want anyone to cry for me.

Then I asked her not to tell anyone and she accepted. I thought she's hungry, her stomach started to make noise and I can clearly hear that. I asked her phone and I called my manager and asked him to come here with my phone and wallet and I asked Rithu to go and eat something and she went.

After some time my manager came and I said I can't come on the weekends and asked him to take care and he assured to make everything perfect.

Rithu came near me with the food and asked me to eat but I can't because I injured my right arm but she said that she will feed me. I was surprised but I know there's no way other than what she said.

She feeds me but I rarely make eye contact with her but she was constantly staring at me. After feeding me she sat down on the bed my bed.

"Did you became unconscious", she asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Oh, okay I am going home to take some things and come," she said.

"Okay take a cab and come quickly," I said.

After she went I felt sleepy and eventually slept when I woke up again It's 7.30pm she didn't come it's been one and half hour why she didn't come when I see through the window it was raining heavily, I tried calling her but it's not connecting. My mind was not resting and wanted to see Rithu so I decided to go and check her. When I came outside Rithu was standing in the corridor carrying the bags and playing with pouring rain after my mind relaxed I went near her, she looked at me smiled, but I didn't.

"Do you like rain?" she asked me.

"Why you're asking," I asked.

"Just to know," she said smilingly.

"Yes, I like rain, what about you?" I asked.

"I love rain, if I saw raining I felt like my sorrows and worries are getting cleared and I feel refreshed after the rain stops," she said staring at the Thundering sky.

"Hmm," I looked at her, her smiling face and small hands that playing with the rain she looked cute; my thoughts were interrupted when Rithu looked at me so I turned and asked to come inside.
"But I am going to the canteen to buy dinner," she said and I took the bags from her.

I looked at her walking away from me, I am feeling something; I cleared my thoughts and went inside after sometime Rithu came.

"Here I bought dinner," she said smilingly.
She unpacked the food and feed me in a slow and careful manner. After finishing dinner I asked whether she had dinner. She smilingly said yes.

Rithu talked with my mom in phone thank God she didn't say anything and pretended everything is normal.

It's 9.30 pm Rithu laid in the small bed beside mine she turned off the light and closed the door. But sleep is not coming to me I just stared at the dark room.

After sometime I saw Rithu was sleeping peacefully but her duvet was not covering her properly and fell in the floor so I got up and put the duvet properly over her. Suddenly Rithu opened her eyes and surprisingly looked at me. I don't know what to do, to avoid the situation I decided to speak.

"It's cold inside so I covered you," I said and sat in my bed.

"Yeah, it's cold," she said and sat in her bed.

"Go to sleep," I said.

"No, I can't sleep it's not coming to me," she said.

We were silent for some time, then she cleared the silence.

"Is your arm ok now? Are you feeling any pain" she asked.

"No nothing I am alright," I said.

"The nurse said we can leave by tomorrow afternoon," she said.

Hmm, I nodded.

"Can I say something", she asked.

"What?" I asked wanting to know what she thinks.

"I think you're overworking yourself. I don't know if I am having the rights to say this or not but I want to say please take care of your health first, you don't know how my mom and me felt during my dad's surgery we were cried and worried a lot and I don't want you and uncle aunty to suffer the same. And I Don't want to see you in pain", she said.

It was dark but I can clearly know that she sobbed and she wiped them quickly and laid back to sleep.

I was stunned by her words, why she's this caring about me, her words came out from at most care and concern about me and my family, am I a stupid to avoid a girl like her I thought and I slept thinking about all these things.

Next morning Rithu waked me up and she looked bright and looked different to my eyes today.

The doctor came to check me and said that I can leave in the afternoon. Then Rithu took my card to pay the hospital bills. When I am struggling to change my shirt she came.

"Wait I will help you", she came in front of me and buttoned my shirt.

I don't know but I allow her to do that. I noticed she was blushing and controlled her smile in front of me. We took a cab and went to our house she carried the bags but I grabbed the bags from her hands cause I am not injured both my hands and I can't make anyone suffer for me, Rithu as Usually protested but I won.

When we entered the house I thought what if I make a step in our relationship.

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