•11• Chapter

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The song Jungkook and SeonMi are singing is I'm in love from Masked singer. Let's just pretend SeonMi has Lady Jane's voice but SeonMi is not played by her ofc.

Jungkook's POV

"That we don't talk anymore..." I sang the last bit of the song. The blindfold we were wearing was very helpful.

We wore a blindfold for the whole song and danced in it. It was hard but we managed to do it. It also helped me focus because I couldn't see the crowd...

Jimin hyung and I bowed together. We took off our blindfolds and I quickly rushed off the stage not looking at the audience once.

How could I forget about my stage fright?

I left to change for my duet with SeonMi while hyung stayed on stage.

"Next... let's give a round of applause for the choir group and the instrumental group." Jimin announced.

I came out of the changing room and spotted Jimin hyung backstage.

"Good job Jungkook." Hyung said patting my back.

"You too hyung." I said. "The next is duet right?" I asked.

"Yup, it's the duet competition." Jimin hyung said looking at the schedule in his hand.

"Right, I need to find SeonMi." I panicked ruffling my hair.

"Stop ruining your hair, I'm here." I turned behind. SeonMi was there walking up to us.

She was looking beautiful in the black dress with moths on it. It matched my outfit perfectly. Her hair curled up into a bun and she had light makeup on.

"You're done with makeup and outfit?" I asked the obvious. She didn't need any makeup to look beautiful to be honest.

"Yes, I am. Should we practise one more ti-" She paused looking at Jimin hyung. "Hi Jimin."

"Hey SeonMi." He causally waved.

Does he know her?

"Do you know each other?" I asked.

"Yeah, we met up earlier." Jimin hyung said looking at the stage. "They're almost done. I'm up, see you guys. I don't want to pick favourites but I hope you win: Fighting!!" Jimin hyung smacked my butt lightly.

"Thanks Jimin." SeonMi chuckled at us.

"Yah, hyung!" I yelled but he was far away already. I turned to SeonMi. "You look really nice."

"Thanks. You do too. We match." She winked at me.

The blood rose up my cheeks and I didn't know why. I've never really felt this way after her...

Make it stop. I hope she doesn't notice.

"I think you've got too much blush on." She said leaning forward to my face.

"Let's go to that room so we can sing for a while." I said covering my cheeks and gesturing for her to follow.

We sang for a while until Jimin hyung announced that we were up. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

My hands started to sweat. This time there were no blindfolds.

"Now let's give a warm welcome to the next duet. Give it up for Jeon Jungkook and Kim SeonMi from BigHit High school." Jimin hyung said on the mic and when he was leaving, he gently patted my shoulder as good luck.

We walked.

The light was extremely bright and I could hardly see any people. I won't lie, I was frozen.

I did sing, ever since I was a child I have always loved singing. I sang in front of my friends, family and teachers but never for a big crowd.

I knew I could do this but it all felt so strange and unreal. I felt uncomfortable.

SeonMi and I walked to the centre. The music played and the crowd clapped their hands.

I was supposed to start and somehow SeonMi knew I was frozen. She took my hand and gently squeezed it which helped me gain conscious. I realised I was on stage.

I sang slowly and steadily. SeonMi joined me. She helped me and soon I was in control. I had forgotten about my stage fright because SeonMi helped me overcome it.

I sang my heart out, I gave every word a feeling. I wanted people to feel the love of music in the air. We walked around- I went left and SeonMi went right.

We twirled around which we didn't rehearse but we were in sync as if we both knew what we were going to do. It was crazy. We walked to the centre to meet each other.

Slowly the music ended and we got a huge round of applause. SeonMi and I bowed before leaving the stage.

"Thanks SeonMi. I totally forgot I had stage fright." I thanked her as soon as we were off stage.

"I saw you getting stunned by the crowd." She said. "It happens."

"Was it that obvious?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck.

"Don't worry, I don't think the audience could tell. I was just next to you so I could see you staring into outer space." She chuckled giving me a comforting smile

"Really? Anyways thanks. It really helped me."

"You're welcome. I hope we win because we rocked it. High-five!" She raised her hand. I High-fived her.

"I need to go change. This dress is killing me." SeonMi said and I chuckled at her struggling with the dress.

She ran to the changing room holding onto her dress while I looked at her chuckling.

She is fun to be around.

I realised that I had to change too. I couldn't wait for the second day tomorrow.


Are you done? Can't you send a video or something? 🤔

I didn't take a video. I'm done, the others are singing.

You should've taken a video.

I was busy. I gotta go the teacher is calling me...

Ok 🙄 ttyl 🤗
(Ttyl= talk to you later)

I left to change into my clothes after that and went to Mrs Lee who was calling me.


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