•45• Chapter

94 7 3

"I'm sorry SeonMi but you can't join the 4X100 relay." Mr Kang said with an apologetic look. I nodded in forgiveness but glared at Jungkook with the corner of my eye.

If he wants to play it this way. Fine!


A few boring days past, and soon it was Sports day.

Everyone practised their butt off during those 3 days but I couldn't for the 4X100 relay because someone didn't choose me for the group.

"Hey, cheer up SeonMi. You can try next time." Taehyung said patting the back of my shoulder as I saw some runners taking their places.

"We won't be here. We'll be in college, Tae." I said sighing.

"I don't really see why you're so bummed. It was kinda obvious they were going to choose me." Yuki said with an innocent like face. Fake!

"I'm not bummed because of who chose you. I just wanted to participate, you know." I said trough gritted teeth.

"At least you had more time to practice for the
100m dash to beat GoEun." Taehyung say with a small smile as the three of us sat on the bench aside while our friends were out on the field getting ready  to play.

We heard a loud bam caused by a chair we were sitting next to. We looked to the right to see who caused the sound.

"S-SeonMi, y-you have to...
t-take part in the....4X100." He said panting. He must've ran here. "Jackson is... sick so he... can't come."

"What?" Is all I could think of saying.

"That's means you'll be in my team." Taehyung said with a big smile and side hugged me.

"Do you want to participate?" Mr Kang asked finally stopping his heavy breathing and returning to his normal one.

"I'll do it." I'll win against Jungkook and Yuki. Just wait you two. I added in my mind and high-fived my self conscious, doing an evil laugh.

Taehyung clapped his hands and cheered after Mr Kang ran back to who knows where. "We'll win for sure."

"Hey, I'm a fast runner too." Yuki said. "Plus, we have Jungkook."

"She's just like that when she's nervous. Don't mind her, she's actually good at heart." Taehyung whispered in my ear and I nodded, deciding not to say anything witty to Yuki.

"Wish you luck, Yuki." I said and led out a hand for her to shake.

"You'll need it, not me." She said and went back to playing her phone. I rolled my eyes and began to talk to Taehyung instead until an announcement could be heard.

"Everyone get to place for 100X dash." The announcement said. "Come near the starting point of the stadium."

"Wish me luck." I said to Taehyung and he gave me two thumbs up.

"Good luck."

"Break a leg." Yuki said with a smirk and I walked down the stairs, pretending to fall down for the sake of Yuki.

"You ran out of luck." I told her mockingly with a chuckle, getting right back up from my fall act.

I heard Yuki scoff as I made my way to the front of the stadium where there was a line of girls.

I got in line according to the number I got in the early morning just after I reached the stadium.

There weren't a lot of girls, probably because they were too scared to compete with GoEun.

"Omg, I totally forgot about GoEun." A girl said panicking to her friend. I thought she was from another class because I've never seen her in mine.

"I heard she practices every single frickin' day." A girl said and a ball of nervousness hit my body. The two girls and I stood quiet as the group before us were getting in position.

From the corner of my eye, I saw some girls stretching so I began to stretch as well. I saw that GoEun was jogging without moving anywhere.

"Group 2?" The teacher called making me jump a bit.

I bit my lip nervously as I went to the starting line along with GoEun and some other girls.

"Get into position." A man with a gun said as we all kneeled down- our left knee on the ground while our right leg was just bent and our hands behind the white line.

I took a deep breath. Let's just get this over with.

The gun fired and everyone started running. At that moment, all my focus was on the finish line.

I saw GoEun a bit ahead as well as a light brown haired girl but I quickly past her.

At the moment, I heard no cheering that was going on from the seats at the sides of the stadium. All I heard was my breathing.

Before I knew it, I was in the finish line, panting for air. A girl came up to check my sticker on my stomach.

I looked around and saw that GoEun was already leaving.

I didn't get first but at least I got second.

I started to walk to the sitting area where Taehyung and Yuki were before. I spotted Taehyung giving me a thumbs up as I jogged up the stairs to him.

"You are really fast SeonMi." Taehyung said smiling. "I actually think we can win the 4X100 relay now."

I smiled and took my water bottle. I took a huge gulp and finished almost half of the bottle.

"You were... ok." Yuki said as I took another gulp. I put my bottle on one of the chairs.

"Thanks Taehyung and Yuki...I guess." I said and sat next to Taehyung. Seokjin and Jimin came after a while.

"Wow, I think we have competition." Seokjin joked.

"Congrats SeonMi. You did great." Jimin said and ruffled my damp hair. I was surprised that he wasn't disgusted by my sweat.

"We have Jungkook so we'll win for sure, Jin." Yuki said sharply.

"Chill, I was just kidding but we never know what can happen." Seokjin defended himself. "He might trip or even lose for someone, who knows." He winked at me.

Why did he just do that? Is Jungkook going to do something?

"Thanks guys" I said with a bright smile as I wiped the sweat from my forehead using my forearm.

I can't wait for the relay to begin. This will be fun.

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