•23• Chapter

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"Will it take long?" Taehyung asked pouting. I wasn't feeling the mood to answer him.

"I'm not sure. We haven't even gotten to the stream yet so quit complaining Tae." Jimin gave him a light push. I watched as they talked as if they were in a wrestling match.

"Quit it guys." Namjoon said coming in the middle of the boys. "You guys are just like kids." He shook his head. I was so exhausted from the walk and I realised that I'm really not fit.

We got to the streams and the groups were assigned to be in them. All the students had worn swimsuits under their casual clothing except Jungkook and I.

We went to change and got back to see everyone enjoying themselves.

"Hurry up, you two." Hoseok smiled splashing water at us. I got it the water. The water reached up to my shoulders. It was a bit deep.

It was cold but not too cold. My body soon got used to the temperature and I splashed Hoseok with water.

"I don't really want to." Jungkook shrugged still not in the waters with our friends. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"And why not? It's so fun." I said while the rest of our friends played. "Just put your legs in the water." I suggested.

Jungkook nodded and put his legs into the water. I came closer to him laughing mischievously internally. I pulled Jungkook's leg and made a big splash.

He came back up because the water only reached his chest. "So? It's fun right?"

"What the hell were you thinking?" He wiped his face with his hand. "I hate this."

I rolled my eyes. "It's so not. What's up with you? You're really acting down." I asked honestly. I didn't know what was going on with him.

He shook his head. "It's nothing. I'm in the water right?" He said as he walked to the deeper side where our friends were. I followed him to the deeper side and tried my best to stay above water.

I went father to the deep side still touching the floor of the pool of water.

Slowly it got deeper and deeper, I didn't know why I was going there but I just wanted to go to the waterfall. It looked so beautiful.

I didn't know how but I slipped and my body instantly went down. I tried to come back on the surface of the water.

I knew how to swim but I just couldn't at the time. One word cramps. My muscles ached and I couldn't move no matter how I tried.

I felt like I was in a middle of ocean. I saw my classmates laughing but they seemed to be afar. I couldn't reach for them.

I could only splash water in hopes of getting someone's attention.

I was almost at the end of the river and far from my friends.

I got pulled back as if someone was pulling me under the water. The water was filling up my lungs and I couldn't breathe.

All of a sudden, I felt a strong pull. It was pulling me up the water. Jungkook had came and he held me by my waist and helped me stay  above.

"Are you okay?" He asked concern full in his voice. I coughed up the water I didn't realise I had drank and hugged him.

He stiffened a little and I could tell he was taken aback by my sudden gesture.

I felt a burn, a good kind, tingle through my body when our skin were in contact.

It was strong and wild as if a hundred butterflies were in my stomach. It felt so weird and amazing and I didn't want it to stop.

I didn't know if he realised but I was crying a bit. I hoped he didn't, the tears and water was a bit hard to tell so I guessed he didn't.

I didn't know how other people would feel if they were in this situation but I was scared, afraid and boy was I relieved to see Jungkook's face.

I was so grateful for him, if he wasn't there I couldn't died. "Yea." I said after coughing some more. He didn't know how lucky I felt. I could almost see my life flash before my eyes.

"What were you thinking?" He asked pulling back from the hug but I didn't let him. I didn't want the burn to go away, no.

"I wanted to go to the waterfall." I said softly as if it was a normal thing which it was. I didn't know I would have a muscle cramp.

He sighed and I felt his hot breath near my ear. He shifted uncomfortably but I didn't mind.

He tried to break the hug again but I just didn't let him go.

I didn't want to let him go, not until we were out of the deep water. He tried again, now slowly but I pulled him back.

I didn't care about my cramps at the moment or how I couldn't move properly at all at the moment.

The heat rose up my cheeks when he didn't try again. I thought he also felt the same feeling as I did? Maybe he felt the butterflies? Maybe he liked the feeling as much as I did?

"Can we go back now? It's already been five minutes. " He asked after a while. I didn't realise we had hugged for five minutes.

I lowered my head and nodded. I didn't want him to see my flushed face.

I removed my arms from his back and he awkwardly moved his arms away from my waist. My muscles were still aching and I took his arm for support.

I adverted my attention to the rocks nearby and screamed. There was a lizard right next to me.

I climbed onto Jungkook, my arms once again in contact with his body. My head on his chest, I could feel his heart beat fasten.

I didn't realised the my legs were wrapped around his waist and my arms were wrapped around his neck.

I looked up at him, our eyes meeting. Both of our eyes were wide open and I couldn't face the embarrassment.

Our cheeks were red as tomatoes and the worst thing was half our classmates were looking at us. Our friends included.


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