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Dedicated to:
Thank you for commenting! I just wanted to do a little thanks to people who voted and commented. Unfortunately, I don't know who reads so I can't thank them.
I hope you didn't find the book boring because it was long and just plain, boring because I sure did in some chapters.

Hi Jungkook.

How are you?

It's stupid to ask that when you're in the hospital in a critical condition for 3 days. I told you not to walk backwards when the light was red but you didn't listen! You just won't listen!

Now, it's your fault that I have swollen eyes from crying. It's your fault that I didn't go to school today so that I could be here when you wake up. I haven't even taken a shower and I feel icky but if it means being here for you, I'll deal with it.

I'll probably delete these messages on your phone so you won't find out about what I am going to tell you next. It's stupid to do it over a text but that's how it started in the first place.

I'm pathetic, right? I know.

I don't want to ruin the relationship you have with JangMi and I'm afraid things will change after I tell you that I'm BabyEssa10. I don't have the phone I used to pretend that I was Essa right now or else I'd be writing from there. I forgot where I kept it but never mind that.

I'm sorry, I lied. I just wanted to play a little game on my friend. Is it that wrong? That stupid game turned into this mess. I'm sorry I played with your heart. I'm sorry that I did this in the first place.

Unnies and oppas are in school but don't worry, they'll come soon. It's funny how I started this using Essa's phone and now I'm ending it from my real phone.

From now on, I won't speak about Essa anymore and soon you'll forget about it soon anyways. I really thought we had a connection and I won't lie, I was a bit jealous seeing you with Yuki and JangMi as well. I'm a horrible friend, I'm so sorry but I can't help it.

The reason behind it all is because I...I'll telling you everything now. My name is SeonMi or my friends in Busan call me MiMi. Yes, I'm MiMi. It's really annoying that you didn't recognise me at first but it was fun later.

Remember when you moved to Seoul? Yeah, the very next year, appa got a promotion so we had to move to London. I was sad almost everyday, I really missed you, my best friend and...crush. Ok, fine, I admit I had a small crush on you but it changed into something bigger now but don't worry, I'll work on it.

Basically, I got bullied but JangMi stood up to me and became my friend so did Jay. Yes, that guy. He's pretty nice once you get to know him and he's really protective so that's why he told you he was my boyfriend but I think you already know he isn't my boyfriend, right?

The divorce situation happened and my mom suddenly told me to pack my bags to move to Seoul and I happily did. It was sad to leave London after living there for six years but I knew, I'd be happier here, in Korea.

I thought I'd meet you but you weren't there, obviously. We went to Busan first to visit eomma's friend. I met Hani and Hansol, remember them? Yeah, they're still the same but they are more good looking than before. I heard Hansol and you still kept in touch so I asked for your number.

That's where it started. I used the number and saved it on my eomma's old phone she was about to throw. I didn't know if you'd reply but you did, I was so happy. I couldn't recognise you as well so I wouldn't be angry that you didn't recognise me. You look more handsome than ever and I'm not biased.

You really grew up to be a hot guy. 😉

You must be wondering about my appa situation, right? Well, I called him yesterday. Don't worry, I didn't shove him off. I spoke to him like a mature person would. He told me it was a stupid thing for him to do and he still wants to be with eomma. I didn't know what to say so I just hung up.

I told eomma everything and she told me it was a good idea to take a break. I think it was too, he was just pouring information on me like a bucket of water. It was too overwhelming. Please get well soon, I miss you.

I'll be back after I take a shower, your mom is here and so are the boys. Please, please don't go! Get well!

I love you|
I love |
Please don't leave me!


I felt sad writing this for some reason probably because this book is coming to an end.

I really didn't expect this book to be this long. I was actually  thinking around 40-45 chapters but oh well.

It's probably because of those short text chapters but this book had more chapter chapters and text ones. 😂

Happy Reading!

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