•52• Chapter

89 8 2

The time passed quickly and soon we finished roaming around the small shops.

I bought a small dress along with a small ship model for a decoration back home. I bought two, one for appa and one for halmeoni's house.

"How's the ship kids?" Mr Kang asked as we entered the eating area for dinner.

JangMi and I had lunch at the fast food area instead of here because we thought it was very high class here and we just wanted the good ol' hamburgers.

We talked about the music contest and it turned out that the owner of the ship was actually the principal's friend and he loved our performance that he wanted for us to relax and enjoy on his ship.

We were served yummy food. I got pasta and it was hella good that I wanted to eat a whole tub of it.

The teachers were seated in a different table than the kids. Seokjin made a lot of dad jokes that made the whole table laugh even Yoongi and Jungkook.

I wanted a bit of fresh air so I excused myself and made my way to the top deck.

There weren't a lot of people on the front side so I decided to go there rather than the back.

There was a railing at the front to preventing people from falling in the water.

It's so stupid. They should really make this railing longer so people won't fall. I thought.

I turned behind and looked left and right to see if there was anyone. I didn't see anyone lurking by or close enough to see what I was about to do next.

I put both my hands out and pretended I was Rose from Titanic but just had no Jack. Suddenly, I felt a strong blow of wind that made my right foot go up in reflex.

I almost fell off the ship but thankfully there was a hand on my waist, holding me in place.

"Thanks." I said unknowingly as I held the railing. My eyes went wide when I finally came to my senses, realising, that there was someone holding -

"Are you crazy?" Shouted a deep voice. I felt his hot breath on my ear, making my body shiver.

I turned my head because the person still had his hands on my waist. My hands on the railing loosened.

"Jungkook, you can let go of me now." I said taking his hands off of my waist. "How are you even here?" I asked after I turned around.

"Just wondering around and saw you." He said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

He must've realised that he was holding me by my waist and it kinda looked like we were in Titanic or something, the only difference was that his hands weren't wide open but on my waist.

"What did you think I was doing really, that made you shout?" I asked curiously, hoping inside that he didn't think I was crazy or something.

"Suicide." He answered as if it was a question.

"God, I wasn't going to jump off." I said as he leaned on the railing with me, staring at the stars at the sky and the water below. "I would at least try to eat more food than that plate of pasta before doing that." I said the obvious.

I won't lie, I would definitely eat as much food as I want before dying.

Jungkook sighed in relief as I rubbed my eye feeling a bit sleepy. I checked the time on my watch and saw that it was 10 already. I didn't realise that time had passed so fast.

"You liked that pasta that much?" Jungkook chuckled and a strong wind blew. I held my arms tight to keep warm.

I didn't want to go in again and miss this amazing view that I hoped I could have every night until I was in the ship.

"Yea, I did." I said truly as I rubbed my arms with my hands up and down. I felt a warm jacket on my shoulder and looked up and Jungkook in just a thin white shirt. "You don't have to."

"I'll look like a douche if I don't." He said and without informing, took my hand and pulled me somewhere at the back.

"Where are we going?" I asked looking around but there weren't a lot of people here.

"You'll see." He said after finally stopping. "Look at the moon."

I did as I was told and it was so beautiful. "It's more beautiful if you sit here." He said and dragged me by my hand to the small boats.

"I don't think we should do this." I said shaking my head , stopping him from going.

"It's fine. You can see the water nicely from here." Jungkook said getting in the small boat. "Jimin hyung and I tried it earlier."

He led out a hand and I took it. I sat next to him and took his jacket off my shoulders just to put it back on properly. It smelled like him, minty and a bit lemony.

"You're right. The water looks so great. Let's take a picture. " I said and took out my phone but accidentally brought the wrong one. "Can I use your phone?"

Jungkook looked at me for a second before taking his phone out and giving it to me. I slid back a bit to take a picture of Jungkook. "SeonMi don't take my picture. Take yours and I'll send you." He said, sliding on the seat to take his phone but I put it high up so he can't reach it.

He rolled his eyes and leaned further to take it, not standing up to make the small boat wobble. I looked at his face, inches away from mine, as he tried to reach his phone but he didn't notice my stares.

I put my hand lower. "Wait don't do th-" He cut himself when the boat started to slide down. I looked back to see that I had pressed a button.

"What's happening?" I asked panicking.

"We're going down." He answered with wide eyes.

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