•40• Chapter

80 6 3

It was Monday, the worst day of the weekdays. I stared at my book that I had unknowingly scribbled words on.

A small gasp escaped my lips when I realised what I wrote. My book page was filled with Jungkook's name and drawing of him. With abs?!

What is wrong with me? I thought. Someone has a crush. My subconscious mocked me and I put the ridiculous thought at the back of my head.

Unfortunately, I wrote it all with a pen so I couldn't erase them and if I did, it would have looked too suspicious. I decided to leave it, I mean who would see my book anyway?

I closed my book at the end of the lesson. I didn't get a chance to talk to Jungkook at all in the morning and now it was lunch.

I had to talk to him to clear the misunderstanding.

"You coming or not?" JangMi asked me as I thought about how I was going to tell him.

"Oh yea." I said and put the scribbled book on my desk. "Let's go."

We went to the canteen together. The ajhumma put rice in our plate along with other yummy condiments. We said thank you and looked for a place to sit.

"SeonMi, JangMi, here." A voice called loudly and both JangMi and I adverted our gaze to Seokjin.

We made our way to the big table or known as the cool table. The boys mostly ate outside of the school so JangMi and I ate together often but the seemed to eat in school today.

"Hey, guys." JangMi said in English and we both sat opposite of each other.

"Hey." Namjoon said while the rest of the boys followed later with their cute Korean accent.

"Where's Jungkook?" I asked. Where was he? I needed to talk to him.

"He went to get his wallet. He ordered some food." Jimin said taking a spoonful of rice. Taehyung put a piece of chicken on top of the rice. "Gamsahabnida." He said, smiling with his eyes.

"Why are you guys eating here?" I asked the boys.

"We just felt like it." Yoongi said eating some steamed vegetables.

"Oh." was the only thing I said before the door of the canteen opened. Jungkook walked in with a plastic bag hocked around his fingers.

"Jungkook oppa, do you want to eat with us?" A girl with coloured contacts asked but he just kept walking to our table.

That was rude, Jungkook!

He walked fast to our table. "Jungkook ah, you're back?" Jimin said. "I wasn't cheating on you with Taehyung, I promise." He joked making everyone in the table laugh, of course, except Jungkook.

Jungkook pulled the chair next to me violently and put the plastic bag on the table before sitting down. We all stared at the boy next to me silently.

I shouldn't talk to him, now. He looks angry.

We decided to let him, chill down and ate our food. The boys made small talks while I ate quietly.

"How was your date with Jay?" JangMi asked out of the blue. I stared at her with wide eyes.

"W-What?" I said and looked at the boy sitting next to me from the corner of my eye. He was slurping his noodles.

"The date at the park? Did you..." JangMi paused before continuing in a whisper "Kiss?"

"It wasn't a d-" Before I could finish my sentence, I felt a strong grip on my hand. I followed the hand and it led to Jungkook.

Before, I could digests what was happening, I was being led out of the canteen and to the empty halls with everyone's eyes on us, and only us.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" I asked trying to pull my hand away but he was just too strong.

He pulled me into a janitor's room. I was starting to sweat. Oh no, what was happening?

His grip still didn't loosen at all, instead it tightened.

"Jungkook, stop. You're really hurting me." I said with a small tear escaping my eye, this made him loosen his grasp from my wrist but he still held it.

"Tell me, SeonMi." He said loudly. His eyes were

I stared at him for a while before asking what he meant. He had a bit of black circles around his eyes and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Tell me, how was your date?" He asked. "Why did you make me think about what you guys were doing after I left, all night?" He asked with bloodshot eyes.

All night? What? He didn't sleep, last night?

"What?" I asked again. I knew what he meant but I really had no idea.

I decided to tell him that it wasn't a date and that we just met my coincidence, that was all.

This is my chance.

"Jungkook, let go of my hand." I whined again but he didn't. Why is he doing this? I've never seen him so worked up before.

"It wasn't a-" I cut myself when Jungkook leaned forward, so that our bodies where just a couple of centimetres apart.

The next sentence from Jungkook made me freeze in my spot. My cheeks had a deep shade of pink.

"I don't care who he is but I'll make you forget about him."


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