•22• Chapter

116 9 1

SeonMi's POV

"Are you cold? Do you need an extra blanket?" I asked Jungkook for like the fifth time now because I was feeling awfully guilty that Jungkook had to sleep on the ground because of me.

I heard Jungkook sigh frustration clear in it before getting up from the sleeping blanket.

I stared at him as he got in the tent and laid next to me, his back facing my face.

"What are you doing?" I asked with my eyes wide open. I didn't understand what he was thinking.

He didn't reply to me so I nudged him gently with her elbow. He turned his head so he was facing me.

I didn't dare to stare at the annoyed boy in front of me.
I thought about why he was getting annoyed so easily.

"Please, I'm trying to sleep." Jungkook said opening his eyes which were closed. I didn't to ask anymore questions.

"Sorry, I was just wondering if you were cold or not." I mumbled a quiet apology and finally looked at him.

He wasn't looking at me anymore, he was looking at the sky.

"It's fine. I couldn't sleep anyways." Jungkook turned his body so he could look at the sky more easily. "Are you not able to sleep?" He asked breaking the awkward silence between us.

"Yes, the ground is too hard." I complained and he chuckled still looking above at the sky. I followed his gaze to the sky as well. "Wow, it's so beautiful."

"Yeah, it is. My dad used to bring me to these types of camps and we used to stare at the stars all night."

I shift uncomfortably at the mention of his father. I didn't think he would feel comfortable talking about him. I knew he was a great person.

"I'm sorry for your lose, Jungkook." I looked at him at the same time he looked at me. "It's really cold now." I said quickly looking away from him.

"Really? I think it's hot." Jungkook said sitting up inside the tent. He took off his jacket and gave it to me. "If you feel cold, here."

It wasn't that dark so I hoped he couldn't see he colour of my cheeks. It was almost as red as a tomato.

"Thanks, are you sure?" I asked him avoiding eye contact and looking at the tent fabric behind him.

He nodded and I slowly put the jacket over my shoulder. I continued to look at the stars. "What if we can never find them?"'I asked out of the blue.

"We won't." He assured me and just with those two words, I felt calm.

After a while, the wind outside was getting stronger so I closed the tent completely.

I saw Jungkook's leg shivering and I guessed Jungkook saw me looking at his foot so he hid it with his hands.

I rolled my eyes taking the jacket off of my shoulders and giving it back to him. He shook his head to reject it but I didn't let him. "Stop trying to me a manly man and put it on." I commanded after him rejecting me several times.

I opened the tent and went to get the blankets from outside and got it inside.

Luckily we had some newspapers to put under the blanket when it was outside.

I gave it a bit of a tap before bringing the blanket inside the tent. I put it over us and we continued to look at the stars from a small space that we left open.

We put our bags as a barrier between and we drifted off to sleep.


"SeonMi, wake up. Wake up." I heard a deep voice call for me.

"Come back tomorrow, ajusshi." I waved him off without opening my eyes. I heard him chuckle.

I rolled around for a while before realising that I wasn't in my grandma's bakery or my bed but in a tent. With Jungkook!

It was a good thing, I was wearing shorts and not a skirt.

I jolted right up.

"Ajusshi?" Jungkook chuckled again.

"Sorry, I..." I patted my head and felt my hair all over so I quickly combed my hair with my fingers. "I thought I was at the bakery."

"What bakery?"

"My grandmas." I stood up on my knees and opened the tent by the zipper. "Let's go and find them."

We packed the tent back to normal and went to walk along the trail. "Mr Ahn!"

"Jimin hyung! Taehyung hyung! Seonjin hyung!"

"Yoongi oppa! Mr Ahn!"

We called out for a long time until we got exhausted. "Are they even looking for us?" I panted stopping midway.

"I see them." Jungkook said looking back at me. "Hurry up!" He shouted and I jogged with all my energy.

"Jungkook! y/n!"

"y/n! Jungkook!"


"Jungkook! Where are you?"

We heard them call for us and we went to them. I rested my hands on JangMi's shoulder right after we found them.

Mr Ahn scolded us for leaving our group and we got the punishment to go last on the stream where we'll swim and we have to clean it after all the groups.

I told Mr Ahn that it was my fault and Jungkook was just helping me to get back to the team so he told me to clean up and not Jungkook but Jungkook offered to help me along with JangMi, Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung.

Seokjin, Namjoon and Jimin wanted to help but they were on lunch duty meaning they had to make lunch and clean the dishes.

I didn't feel bad about getting to clean up because my... friends? Are they my friends now? They were willing to help me. I was grateful.


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