•39• Chapter

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Third Person's POV

Jay had received a call from JangMi. "Hold on a second. I gotta take this" he said to SeonMi.

He stood up from the bench and went behind a tall tree. He answered his phone call from his little sister.

"What do you want?" He asked in a bored tone.

"Did you find Lettie?" She asked.

"Yea, we were just talking when you called."


"Really, why are you so interested in me going out with Scarlet all of a sudden?" He asked truly curious why his sister who never cared about his previous girlfriends before is now so desperate for her friend to hang out with him.

"I'm not interested." She shrugged. "I'm just being a good sister that's all."

"Why not since 18 years ago and why now?" He asked pushing her to tell him the reason.

"Just go on and enjoy your date, will you?" She said with a groan of annoyance. Her brother was really annoying her.

"It's not a date." He said before adding. "I didn't ask her out. We met by coincidence, remember?"

"Oh, I thought you already confessed to be honest." She said truly.

Her brother was always straight forward but somehow he wasn't as much to SeonMi.

"We just met after a while and I don't wanna throw the confess bomb at her."

"Whatever, you better hurry up."

"And why is that?"

"There are many guys out here who would love to her man. Hot ones if I may add." She said rubbing it in his face.

Jay took a moment to consider, maybe she was right. After all, SeonMi was smart, beautiful, kind and funny. She was perfect.

"I don't want to." He said. "Not right now."

"Suit yourself bro." She said. "Listen I got to go. Enjoy your...time?" She said as if asking his permission on what to call his 'time' with SeonMi.

"Ok bye." They both hung up. Jay put his phone in the back pocket of his jeans.

He saw SeonMi and a boy. It was Jungkook.

Is he hitting on her? Jessica was right, there are a lot of boys here and they're very good looking too. He thought.

"I'm back." Jay said informing both SeonMi and Jungkook.

He wanted Jungkook to know that SeonMi was with someone, he wanted Jungkook to back off.

He blurted out the first idea that came to his mind to get rid of him. He was protecting SeonMi right?

"What do you want with my girlfriend?" He asked not regretting it but his stupid self forgot to ask if Jungkook was SeonMi's friend or not.

Jungkook stood there frozen with wide eyes staring at Jay and SeonMi alternatively for a solid minute. SeonMi was as shocked as him.

Had all those times when Jungkook was cheered up by SeonMi fake? Had she not felt the connection he did? Was she just being nice? All those thoughts came rushing in his mind.

Both SeonMi and Jungkook couldn't seem to move their mounts until Jungkook got the courage to finally speak up.

SeonMi's POV

"I guess you guys must be busy then." Jungkook said awkwardly and walked backwards.

"N-no." I finally said stuttering but he had already left. I mentally slapped myself.

I groaned loudly and turned to look at Jay who was by my side. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Oh, nothing just that you said you were my boyfriend to Jungkook who I guess I have a crush on?

Yea, but of course I didn't say that to him. I mean, he was just looking out for me like a big brother.

I sighed. "He was my friend. Why did you have to do that?" I asked curiously. He could've said anything else just not that he was my boyfriend.

"I thought he was hitting on you or something." He defended himself. "I was just looking out for you."

"Can a truck run me over?" I softly muttered under my breath.

"Why are you so worked up anyway?" He asked with curiosity in his tone.

"I...It's because..." Why was I so worked up? "It's... because you always do this."

"What do you mean?"

I sat down on the bench again whist looking if Jungkook was around. He wasn't.

"Back in London, a boy was asking me for directions and you said back off. I could've handled it myself if he was hitting on me, which he wasn't." I told half the truth and took a deep breath.

Deep inside, I knew there was also another reason for me getting so worked up about him saying I was his girlfriend to say it but I convinced myself that it was the only reason.

"Hey, he had those eyes that are so creepy." He said and I gave him a 'seriously' look. The tourist did have eyes that were creepy looking but he wasn't hitting on me.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry." He said not making eye contact with me but staring behind me multiple of times. "I was just worried."

"Thank you for that but it does get annoying." I said trying not to hurt him. I knew Jay meant well and he did it to protect me from creeps. "If I need help, I'll call for you."


"Promise." I smiled. I put out my pinkie for him to lock with but he didn't lock it, just ruffled my hair and chuckled.

Hopi would have done it with me my subconscious said and I agreed with her a little but Jay was just like that.

We got up and went to get ice cream before riding my bicycle to home while he went to his house.

I just need to tell Jungkook that Jay isn't my boyfriend.


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