4- Castiel

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You and Cas had been dating for a while

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You and Cas had been dating for a while. Sam and Dean had no idea about it because you didn't want to scare them. Yes, you loved the boys, but this was personal and you and Cas were pretty much soulmates, according to Michael, Lucifer and Gabriel, but, haha, ya know, they don't matter right? *sarcastic laugh*
When Sam and Dean did find out, though, it was not very pretty.
It was just you and Cas. You two were relaxing in your room, watching a good movie and enjoying each other's company. The boys walked in, wanting to surprise you, but didn't expect you to lean up and kiss the angel at the part where the girl kissed the boy.
"What the hell is going on here?!!!" Dean shouted. You immediately stopped kissing Castiel and stared at them, who had dropped everything. This was a surprise for them.
"Dean, I can explain!" You cried.
"Cas why the hell were you and y/n kissing?? Are you dating behind our backs are what??" Sam yelled.
Castiel decided to try to be funny, only because he didn't like seeing you so stressed out. He put on a funny face and said "Cat's out." as less gruff he could get. When he saw Sam and Dean glare at him while you just face-palmed a little, he returned to his normal self. "Was that inappropriate for this time?"
You smiled at him. "Yep. Just a little."
"My apologies. I was trying to cheer you up and that's what Lucifer told me to do," as soon as he said that statement he regretted it. "Not that I take dating advice from Lucifer! I-"
"It's okay, Cas," you laughed at his struggle to explain himself. "I get what you mean."
"Good," he kissed you quickly. "That would be quite difficult to explain."
"Cas, I need to talk to you for a second," Dean said, grabbing his friend and dragging him into the hallway before closing the door to your room. "Why?"
"Dean, I love your sister. Many of the angels have said and proven that we are soulmates," Castiel said. "Y/n is the most important thing in my life. If her soul sends out a warning signal, just a little one, I will immediately appear at her side to destroy anything that causes her discomfort."
"Cas, I don't want the angels to use y/n against you," Dean said.
"They won't, Dean, I promise. Even if they try, I would rather die protecting y/n than to watch her get hurt. I will not allow any angel or demon or monster to lay a hand on y/n," Castiel promised. "Imagine loosing Sam and y/n. Imagine the pain of knowing that you couldn't protect them and knowing that it was your fault they died. Now, pretend that pain is overwhelming, occupying your every thought and action. It would be horrible, correct?"
"Yeah. It would be unbearable," Dean replied. "It would make me suicidal."
"Imagine that pain millions of times worse," he ordered. "That is how it feels to loose a soulmate. I know of angels that have lost theirs, and it is a horrible sight. They are crying, holding the body close and begging an absent God to resurrect their loved ones. I will not allow your sister to die."
"Fine," Dean said. "But if a single angel touches her you are done. No redoes."
"Of course, Dean."

Uhhhhh this is shit but I am tired school kicked my ass. Hopefully shit gets better but idk. Anyway, I love you guys and I hope you like these imagines!!

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