17- Gabriel

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Secrets. They suck. Whenever you have a secret someone always finds out and then everyone knows. And then everyone hurts you because of them. Well, Gabriel was no secret to you. You would show him off in public and half the time it made other girls really jealous. The other half everyone was so happy you were dating.
The only people it was a secret to are Sam and Dean Winchester, you big brothers. You loved them. You loved them past death (they die too much for you to love them to death). But they were really overprotective, and they would probably not like the fact that Gabriel was your boyfriend.
On a nice Friday night, you decided to tell them. You and Gabe had been dating for at least ten months, and you loved him. He was the perfect archangel for you. When you told Sam and Dean, they freaked.
"Gabriel's your boyfriend??"
"You've got to be kidding!"
"Why him?"
"He's not worth it y/n!"
You shut them all up and pointed at Dean. "You talk first."
He turned to Gabriel. "You're dating y/n?"
"Hells yeah!"
"And she's okay with this?"
"Why would I be dating her if she wasn't okay with it?" Gabriel asked, scoffing.
You pointed to Sam to let him talk. "Why didn't you ask us?"
"Oh... Uh... Because I don't have to!" Gabriel grinned.
You stared at Gabriel. How is he so chill? You were freaking out on the inside.
"You should've asked."
"Oh well."
"Gabriel!!" Dean cried. "Don't test us!"
"Dean please. Gabe and I have been dating for ten months. That's long enough for me to know that he doesn't want to hurt me!" you cried.
Sam and Dean had a silent brotherly mind telepathic conversation before sighing.
"Fine. But if you hurt her-"
"You'll kill me," Gabriel cut Sam off. "I understand. Now, shall we?" He held out his arm to me. I smiled.
"We shall," and with that he zapped us out.

Short but I'm tired AF.

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