Another AN

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Yall im sorry for all the author notes but im not really into this story at the moment. Maybe when writer's block goes away I will update? Maybe?

Anyway, I just wanted to tell yall to go check out my Avengers fanfic, if you like Loki. It's a Loki x new avenger. There's also a little Loki and kiddo fluff in it. Idk how to describe it, just go check it out. It's called Learn (Loki x human x child)

The cover is just Loki with the title on it. I'm updating that a lot, but no ones reading it. It would mean a lot for yall to go and read, vote and comment. Only if your interested.

Anyway, that's all i wanted to say. Sorry for the slow updates. You guys are the best!!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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