21- Jensen

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Party of the year

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Party of the year. It wasn't gonna be big, only you, Jared, Jensen and Misha were going to be there, but you had heard from them that it would be really cool. It was also nearing your birthday, so they were planning a surprise party behind your back.
It was 7 o'clock on your birthday when you arrived at Jensen's house. He was your best friend so you pretty much lived there and you had a key. You remembered that Daneel had taken the kids out so that you three could get crazy as you tried to be quiet as you opened the door.
The moment you walked in the door, everything turned on. The lights flashed on and music blared through the room. The three dorks jumped out from their hiding places, scaring you to death and yelling 'SURPRIIIISEEEE!'. You had jumped so high that you touched the ceiling but still laughed.
"Guys!" You grinned, hugging them. "You didn't have to do this!"
"Well we did!" Jensen grinned. They led you over to the dining room, where there was a cake and a few presents. You smiled wider.
"You guys got a cake?"
"Made a cake, y/n!" Misha cried.
"Well let's see if it's any good," you grabbed a fork and took a bite out of the cake. Immediately your mouth was filled with a sweet flavor, which covered every taste bud. It was delicious. "This is great, Misha!!"
"Why thank you."
So you three did cake and presents and even sang about 15 random songs. Then, Jensen pulled out the champagne and shook it. He let it spray repeated across the room and everyone cheered.
Best birthday ever.

Well that was short AF but here ya go.

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