Chapter 25

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

I tried to leave the place quickly and pretend that I didn't see them. It's better to ignore them since I don't even know who they were and I just appeared in front of them out of nowhere. I must look like a lunatic, right now. Oh God! Why did I just do that?

I have been worried about Jimin, a lot. And Taehyung and Hoseok have on my mind a lot, too, recently. That's why I just see their faces wherever I look. Me and my over thinking. Now look where it got me?

I'm seeing things, now. I mean it's not possible for them to be who I thought they were. There's no way. They were not Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung.

They couldn't be. It's impossible.

Why? Because 1) the sound on the call I heard- no, I imagined, was of a sobbing Jimin, so he couldn't shift from suicidal, crying baby to a laughing mochi in a short moment. And let's not forget, he must have had puffy red eyes and swollen lips, even if he did stop crying. 2) Taehyung and Hoseok weren't with Jimin, it was Yoongi hyung who took Jimin with him. And 3) Jimin would never, NEVER, play a trick like that on me.

I don't know why my mind thinks that I was tricked but I trust my heart in this matter more. And my heart says that there's no way that it was a trick. Absolutely none. Even though I don't say things that make me appear weak, I know that Jimin knows me all too well to do such a gruesome thing to me. So that's a no-no.

Therefore, I'm 100% sure that I imagined this crazy scenario. After all, hyung just told me not too long ago that Jimin and Yoongi were together and happy. I just walked in on some random people and thought that they were my friends. And now I have to get the hell out of here before I embarrass myself even more.

One of them hugged me all of a sudden but I didn't move at all. I remain stiff. I had to act like I didn't see them at all. He pulls back and I see my chance to move out of his embrace which I did so, oh so swiftly.

I turn around and start walking away like I didn't see anything, trying to move away from the scene smoothly. But then another guy came up to me.

Did I just walk in at the wrong moment or what? Why were these guys so afraid all of a sudden? Oh, I don't care. I just want to go home and forget this ever happened.

This guy, now, is constantly saying something to me. I don't listen to his rambling because he isn't important to me, right now. Yes, rude, I know. But I don't exactly feel like having someone rub in my face what kind of an idiotic thing I just did. Nor do I want to hear someone threatening me to keep my mouth shut about whatever I heard. And that too, in the middle of the night. No, Thank you!

He is still walking with me? Damn, boy. Won't you give up, already? I'm not even listening to you. Have some self respect.

He attempts to hold me still by grabbing my arm but I shove his hand roughly away from me. Who does he think he is, stopping unknown people like that? I didn't hear any of their secret talk if that's what he is worried about. Even if I did, I wouldn't care. It's none of my business, after all. So he should just leave me alone, too.

I keep walking after getting him away from me, impassively. Thankfully someone stopped him before he could stop me again, so I take my chance and walk away, faster.

I take the different and longer way to my house trying to avoid anyone following me, if there was any. Luckily, no one was in sight every time I glanced back. I quickly went to my room and was about to turn on the lights when I realized that mom was asleep with the TV still on, since I could hear it all the way over here.

I thought I should turn it off and then come back. So I move out of my room and slowly open the door to hers. She was sleeping peacefully. Thank God I didn't wake her up when I entered the house or else I would have had to lie again as to why I'm early. After turning the TV off, I pull the sheets over her to cover her properly and turn off the lights on my way out.

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