Chapter 47

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When stars became clearly visible in the sky, the boys decided to head back down. Jimin and Hoseok had been getting along pretty well ever since they got here. So much so that most of the time they forgot about Taehyung and Jungkook being with them. And once again, they skipped ahead quickly leaving the two behind.

"Is it just me or are they purposely leaving us behind all the time?" Jungkook thought out loud and Taehyung laughed at him.

"It feels like it's their last day to live." Taehyung laughed at his own comment when Jungkook only smiled but Taehyung's laugh made him laugh along, unintentionally.

When they reached down and close to the bar, they received a call.

"Taehyung!" Both heads whipped around at the voice and they saw Sungjae waving at them. Jungkook's chest tied up in a tight knot at his sight but he ignored it.

Taehyung looked back at Jungkook in confusion.
"Who is he?"

"The bartender." Jungkook's answer came much more colder than he intended it to be.

Taehyung felt awkward standing there while the guy waved at them so he smiled his box smile as he made his way over to the bar with Jungkook dragging himself behind him.

"Um, hi?" Taehyung tried to sound as less awkward as he could.
"How, um, how do you know my name?" He felt like a douche asking the sweet guy such an accusing question but he had to know.

"Oh, your friend here told me." He said as he gestured towards Jungkook who only smiled shyly at them in return.

"I never got your name, though." Sungjae smiled at Jungkook but the younger didn't feel like talking to him. His annoyance was increasing with each second that passed with Sungjae.


"Would you like to try a drink? We have the best of everything. You'll love-"

"We don't drink." Jungkook cut off Sungjae in his excited explanation. His attitude had suddenly turned so cold that both Taehyung and Sungjae felt it. The bartender thought that he was always like this so he was, kind of, fine with it since he was used to having various types of customers. But Taehyung wasn't. He hadn't seen Jungkook so angry and defensive before even when he first met him. This side of Jungkook scared him a little but he couldn't understand why sudden change occurred. He tried to look back at what might have happened but couldn't find anything which confused him even more. So he concluded that Jungkook was just uncomfortable with a new company. That was the only answer that made some sense.

Someone called Sungjae over to the other end of the bar and he excused himself from the boys. When he left, Jungkook let out a cold sigh and relaxed in his seat.

"You okay?" Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder making the younger tense up slightly but he controlled himself.

"Yeah. Just tired." Such an effortless lie that Taehyung only stared at him. What happened to him all of a sudden?

Jungkook saw a glass of water placed a little away from him and felt thirsty. He quickly grabbed it and took a big gulp only to stick his tongue out like in a pant. Taehyung blinked at him in confusion.


"Even the water here tastes different." Finally Jungkook sounded like his normal self and Taehyung snickered at him.


"Yeah. See for yourself." Jungkook passed the glass to Taehyung who took a small sip and put the glass back down as he copied Jungkook's action from a moment ago.

"It burns." Taehyung almost whispered as he held his throat.

"I know. But I still want more. Don't you?" Jungkook sounded genuinely curious and Taehyung would be lying if he denied because he really wanted to taste it again, too. Weird however it maybe, it was attractive. They shared the glass as they took sip after sip of the 'water' since it was hard to take big gulps. By the time they finished it they were giggling slightly.

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