Chapter 54

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The day went by with Jungkook brooding in the room while Taehyung and Sungjae laughed around as they went from one end of the resort to the other. Because of Sungjae, Jungkook was out of Taehyung's mind the entire time. By the time he was coming back, Taehyung was extremely tired of all the walking and just wanted to lay down and sleep.

"Thank you so much for today." Taehyung turned towards Sungjae when they reached the bar.

"It's no big deal." Sungjae waved his hand in dismissal.
"So, how long are you staying here?"

Taehyung stopped himself from biding him farewell at the sudden question.
"Oh, um, three days."

"Then, would you like to hang out tomorrow as well?" Taehyung was too tired to think about what to do next so he just smiled at him.

"I'll tell you about that tomorrow." And Sungjae's smile faltered a bit but he managed it anyway.

"Sure. Why not."

"Well then. Bye. And thanks again." With that Taehyung got a final nod and turned to leave.

"Hey, I never got your number!" Taehyung whipped around and looked at Sungjae's blushing face, weirdly before a chuckle broke free.

"Oh, sorry. Here." Taehyung typed his number in Sungjae's phone quickly and gave it back.

They parted ways after that and Taehyung came back to his room only to find Hoseok and Jimin graciously occupying the double bed in one room even though the original setting had Taehyung paired with Hoseok. He sighed and left silently moving to the other one. When he opened the door, realization hit him as soon as his eyes landed on the sleeping form of Jungkook and he stood there.

What was he supposed to do, now? He had to sleep and this was the only option he had unless he wanted to spend the night under the clear sky. Taehyung let out a heavy sigh as he moved in. He would take care of tomorrow when tomorrow will come. For now, he needed rest. And so, he took off his shirt- only to wear it back because of a certain past memory, and slipped under the covers silently after placing a pillow between himself and Jungkook. He would wake up earlier than Jungkook the next day and leave the room without leaving any trace of his presence. That seemed like a good plan and content with it, he drifted to a peaceful sleep.


Jungkook woke up at some point in the middle of the night to drink water but when he felt a soft object next to him he shifted to check what it is. His hand landed on what seemed like a pillow.

A pillow?

Who put a pillow here?

The room was dark since someone turned off the lamp as well but Jungkook was too sleepy to think further about it so he ignored it. He randomly moved his hand on the table next to his side and accidentally knocked something down. He almost screamed at the crash but didn't. Instead, he silently bent down to pick whatever fell only to flinch back with a hiss.

"Who's there?" A sudden heavy voice asked behind Jungkook and he almost fell off the bed. Who was in bed with him and how did they get in here? Jungkook stayed silent in fear as his eyes were wide open now but neither could he see the other person nor vice versa because of the dark.

The lamp suddenly flicked on from the other side of the bed and once Jungkook's eyes adjusted to the light he saw a shocked Taehyung's face. For a moment he just stared at him trying to figure out what was he looking at. He hadn't yet thought of anything to say when Taehyung's face flashed with worry.

"Your hand!" He tilted his head in confusion but then Taehyung jumped closer and took his hand in his and Jungkook tensed. When his eyes landed on their joined hands he then realized why was the other worried. His hand was bleeding. But how?

Without further talk, Taehyung jumped off of the bed and flicked the lights on. He looked for the tissue box and when he found it, Taehyung took out a bunch of tissues before going back to Jungkook. Taehyung hastily wiped the blood and covered the cut with them before applying pressure on it.

"What happened?" After a moment, Taehyung asked.

"I don't know. I guess it was the broken glass." Jungkook looked to the floor on his side and sure enough, he had dropped the glass in the dark and cut himself with a broken piece of it in an attempt to pick it up.

They both sat in silence after that with Taehyung lifting his hand after every few seconds to check if the bleeding stopped.

"What are you doing here?" The question came out more like an accusation and Taehyung's heart stopped for a second. He didn't look up as he took a silent deep breath to make sure his voice doesn't crack.

"Jimin and Hobi were already asleep when I came back so I had to come here." His head still didn't lift up as he added after a moment. "Sorry."

Taehyung himself didn't know what was he apologizing for. All he knew was that he just had to. Jungkook only oh-ed at him and another silence fell.

"I'll go wash it up." And with that Jungkook pulled his hand out of Taehyung's and walked towards the bathroom without hearing a response. Taehyung wanted to go after him, help him and bandage him but Jungkook seemed irritated of his presence so he opted to let him be rather than edging him.

Instead, he got up and took the time of Jungkook's absence to clear up the broken glass as much as be could without hurting himself. Once it was done he went back under the covers and turned his back towards Jungkook's spot as he closed his eyes. It would be better if Jungkook came back and saw him sleeping rather than ignoring Taehyung when he was only a few inches away from Jungkook.

After a few minutes, Jungkook came out and thankfully one of the lamp was still on. He grabbed the first aid box from the cabinet and sat back down. As he dressed his hand, with much difficulty since he was right handed, his eyes traveled to Taehyung a few times, who was now snoring lightly.

/He could have helped me a little with this. It wouldn't have killed him./

When he was done he put the box back in it's place and went back to bed. If Taehyung was going to ignore him like this, he better do the same and make it easier for the older.

And it was then that for the first time Jungkook felt a pang in his chest. Not any irritation, disappointment or anything else like that. He felt pain. He felt hurt. He hated it when he felt such pain that couldn't be soothed physically. It had been long since he last felt it but now that he did, he couldn't take it. But he blamed himself for this pain. He blamed himself for letting his guard down. He blamed himself for letting someone do this to him. He balmed himself for letting those twisted feelings get to him. And now he had no other choice than to endure the pain.

Jungkook gripped at his heart as he laid back down and turned his back to Taehyung.

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