chapter 1

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picture of the pack house

kylies p.o.v- chapter one

beep beep beep....

my eyes slowly start to open trying to adjust to the blinding light that is coming from my open curtains i forgot to close last night. Dammit. i turn over and hit snooze on my phone noticing that it is already 8am.

"crap, im late for school" i shout as my eyes shoot open and i run towards the bathroom, tripping over almost everything in my room. i come out of the bathrrom after having a shower and getting dresses. i start to brush my hair and out it up in a messy bun cause good old me is running late and cant be bothered.

"mum are you still here!" i shout while running downstairs. no answer. well i guess im just going to need to take my bike to school. i qyuickly run around the kitchen getting some toast and coffee then bolting out of the door. i put my bag in the basket on my bike and then put my coffee there too. "im gonna be so freaking late" i complain as i zoom down the street. just great im never normally late always on time why am i being different latley, first it was snapping at my mum getting into and argurment with my dad and then actually leaving the house for two days. i did apologize to my parents but i feel like there something changing about me and i dont know if its for the better or worse.

while i was still daydreaming i heard someone shoting my name. i recognise the voice its just jess my best friend that ive known since i was in diapers. "KYLIE WATCH OUT, STOP!" i got taken out of my thoughts and noticed that i was almost about to ram into a teacher.

i suddenly squeezed the brakes as i could and hoped for the best. thank god these brakes got fixed. "oh my god, mrs. cooper im so so sorry are you ok, i didnt mean to i ju-" i got cut off by mrs cooper talking. "kylie it ok,im ok but you were in quite a day dream there are you ok?" i thought for a second. am i ok. "yeah im fine i just zoned out a little" jeez that was close im so glad it was her and not another teacher. "ok well you better start to get to class before the bell goes. see you seventh period kylie" and with that she just walked off like nothing happened. mrs cooper was an awesome teacher she was so nice, i had her every monday, tuesday and friday for home room.

"kylie are you ok?, i thought you were gonna crash into mrs cooper" ok yes i know i almost crashed but seeing jess's expresion is hilarious she looks so scared and worried almost. i start to laugh and jess stares at me like im crazy. "kylie why are you laughing you could have died" i looked at her and started giggiling . " stop exagerating things i couldnt have died, and im laughing cause you looked so worried" i wiped the fake tear away as jess plafully hits my arm.

" ugh your so annoying, anyways we should get to class" she turned around and started walking towards the doors. she didnt even say 'hi how was your summer?' or even give me a hug. "jess do i even get a hug i hevent seen you in at all over the summer" i stood in my spot crossing my arms waiting for her to come give me a hug. " ky stop being a baby and hurry up or were going to be late." i stood my ground while she just stared at me, i know she will give in any second she loves hugs. then just as i thought that a grin spread across her face and she ran over and literally tackled me to the ground.

" i knew you missed me" i said while lying on the ground next to her with a smile on my face "of course i missed you, your my bestie. right we really need to go the bell is going to go in... five minutes ". and with that we both got up and walked into school and headed to our lockers.

me and jess were geting our books out of our lockers while suddenly i got shoved into the door of mine by none other than the queen bee herself mars scott. " watch where you going loser" she said to me. i honestly hate that girl she is such a bitch to everyone who isnt at her level. "ugh why cant you leave her alone for once, mars, like can you try and not be a absoulute bitch all the time or is it just second nature for you" jess said while standing infront of me. its not that i get jess to fight my battles its just the last time i fought back i ended up with a black eye and a busted lip. " stay out of my business jess, i do what i want when i want and you cant do anything about it, got it." jess didnt stand down and i know if she keeps talking mars is gonna get her friends to beat her.

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