chapter 9

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kylies pov chapter 9

"MARS, KYLIE WAKE THE HELL UP WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE" i quickly shot up from the bed and that caused mars to stir awake. "WHY ALL THE YELLING" i shouted back to jess throwing my arms in the air, i swear next time jess wakes me up from yelling, throwing something or jumping on me i am going to kill her. "because i chapped the door and you wouldn't answer" why did she have to say it so innocent she is the complete opposite "so you decide to give us a heart attack instead of just coming in quietly and shaking us or saying our name, nicely" i said with fake smile. "oh be quiet it was only shouting your lucky i didnt pour a bucket of water on your head or slapped you across the face. anyway im going to make breakfast for us all and then we can all head to school. i slowly dragged myself over to the window and opened it quickly to get the pain from the sunlight over and done with. "ugh please come back to bed" mars said rolling over and pulling the covers over her head "sorry beautiful but we have school today. and we dont want to be late, plus jess is making breakfast well thats actually thats a negative cause she cant even make toast" i earned a soft giggle and i walked over to the bathroom.

today im wearing my black ripped skinny jeans with a white shirt and my new leather jacket mars bought me. i walked out of the bathroom to see mars wearing almost the same clothes as me just opposite "babe i swear i didnt mean to match" mars said laughing a little to herself, she is wearing white ripped jeans a black top thats says 'im not a morning person' her grey boots and her old leather jacket cause her new one hasnt came yet. "its okay i guess we're just going to be 'that' couple" i said walking over and wrapping my arms around her waist "what do you men that couple" she gave me a stern look "the couple that matches i mean its not that people dont like that its just, people think that those couples are clingy" i said leaving her and picking up my bag next to the door. "well i am clingy because you are mine and i am yours and thats that".

me mars and jess are now sitting in the kitchen eating jess's attempt of toast, i mean how can making toast be so difficult like i dont know how she manages to make it so horrible. you put it in the toaster check on it now and then and make sure it doesnt get burnt jess's toast looks like it hast been toasted yet its so god damn crunchy. "jess next time im making breakfast" i said walking over and throwing my bread slash toast in the trash "well if your up earlier then i wouldnt need to make breakfast". "babe you better start setting your alarm earlier" we all let out a little laugh after mars said that. mars and jess put their 'poison' in mars could answer jess was already out the door waiting. "sometimes i wonder if she is on something cause she is always up and she is always happy. i dont get it" i said to mars while locking the door behind us. the only reason we had to leave so early is because mars had a cheer meeting which is kinda annoying, but if it means i get to meet my mate before school them im all for it.

we were now in mars's car waiting for the clock to turn seven forty five, it turns out jess woke up up about twenty minutes early which means im really pissed and tired. "ky im sorry that i actually want to be early for once, plus at least M will be early for her meeting and you two get longer together" jess said leaning into the front seat from the back "ok one if i wanted to wake up earlier i would, two mars is always on time for cheer and whats up with the new nickname for her" i said pushing her back to give me and mars some personal space. "i dont know i dont like using peoples actual name if their my friend or family, i guess i like calling them something no one else does" i just thought she called people nicknames to annoy them. "guys we have about five minutes until the school opened for students, so we better start heading" mars said getting out of the car.

me mars and jess headed to our lockers and collected our jotters for the first two periods i had biology with jess and math with mars. me and jess were sitting outside at our bench waiting for the bell to go in about ten minutes, i think. "so how are you and mars. have you marked her yet?" i choked on my juice and had to spit it out on the grass "you guys found out you were mates like a week ago and you still havent marked her?" what does she mean yet we have only been going out for a week. does she think im going to jump all over her just because we're mates i dont think so "jess just because we are mates doesnt mean we need to mark eachother straight away, plus i dont think im ready yet. and i dont understand how you and kris have already completed the process its only been like what a day or two" jess started to blush when i talked about her and that animal killer kris. "well if you were brought up like me and got taught when we got taught. and if you and mars didnt hate eachother then you would understand, your lucky mars has got self control cause if she didnt then she would have marked you without permission"

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