chapter 7

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kylies pov chapter 7

..beep...beep...beep just five more minutes, so i hit the snooze. five minutes later ...beep...beep

"ugh ok im up" i said to myself climbing out of bed turning off the alarm, wait wheres mars. i turn around to see if she is still in the bed but she wasnt, i walked over to the window opening the curtains taking in the morning sun. i walk away to the closet and grab some baggy clothes, 'lexie do you think i can ask about training' i said to her 'well your certainly strong enough so i dont see why not but before any of that, you need to find mars' she said. so i put on the clothes and walked oout of my room. its so why quiet where the hell is everyone, i went down the stairs two steps at a time and almost tripped at the bottom.

'your so god damn clumsy, first the deer and now this' im not always clumsy its only when im not paying attention "oh shut up" i said to lex out loud while going into the kitchen. "who do you think your telling to shut up mrs" crap i didnt see her there my mum stood there crossing her arms waiting for me to answer "sorry i was talking to lex" i said walking over to the cupboard grabbing a granola bar. "who is lex, oh my god you better not be cheating on mars she doesnt de-" does my mum honestly think that i would cheat on my mate who does she take me for. "what no, no i would never cheat on her shes my mate" i said to her just about to walk out of the kitchen.

"wait sweetie, i need to talk to you" i turned around having no idea what she was going to say, "its about mars umm, well specifically her mother" hmm i was wondered when i would get to meet her mum i guess today might be my chance. "ok is she here, when do i get to meet her" i asked but my mum had a sad smile on her face, did i say something wrong i couldnt have i didnt even say that much. "mars isnt here because, her mother passed away they found her body outside of town in the woods" my mum was strating to cry, please dont cry then ill cry and then we'll be crying for ages. "w-what happened to her?" i said walking back over to my mum putting my arm around her, "s-she commited s-suicide" she said trying her best to keep it together.

"did you know her well" my mum must have known her because my mum raley cries, "yeah she was my best friend but i havent heard from her in years, she just got up and vanished leaving mars and her mate. but we all new something was wrong she used to get into trouble with other packs a lot" i got her a glass of water because if she's going to cry and talk her voice is going to get sore.

"i knew she was sad but i never knew she would do this" she said as she got up "anyway you should really go to mars, she loved her mum so much and was devastated when she left. be there for her and if shes angry and tells you to go away,dont." my mum hugged me and left but before she did she turned around and told me where i could find them. because this pack house is for the betas and fighters and alphas children, the other pack house is on the other side of town and that one is for any other members if they want to stay there.

i just arrived to the other pack house and it was a little smaller than the other probably because only some members stay here while the rest of the pack live in the town. i got out of my car and headed inside the house i opened the door and could smell mars, i followed her scent until i came outside in the back garden to another small house. 'this isnt a house ky, its a morgue' lexie seemed sad probably because she knew our mate was going to be sad.

i chapped the door and no answer i chapped again and i could hear someone walking towards it. "come on in kylie" it was my father who answered the door he was probably here supporting his beta mars's father, he must be in a state. 'of course his mate just died, its one of the most painful things a wolf can go through' she said in a duh tone. i cant imagine what he must be feeling, then it came to my mind. what if mars ever got hurt like this i dont think i would be able to live.

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