chapter 15

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mars's pov - chapter 15

*kris just dropped them off at the pack house*

me and kylie walked up to the door hand in hand but i could sense some worry coming from her but that quickly faded when i could sense her parents. i could feel the hum coming from their blood because they were alphas and i would be lying if it didnt make me feel like cowering into a corner. we got to the door and i stopped kylie looked back at me a little concerned "whats wrong?" she asked turning to me "u-uh your parents are h-here" i couldnt stop myself from stuttering a little. "yeah i know why do you seem scared, ok mars dont worry their gonna love you ok they will ask questions to see if your good for me but thats it" how can she not sense them their anger it was radiating from the house if carly, lukas or ryan are in that house goddess help them.

"do you not smell or feel it?" i asked her my eyes going a little wide she just shrugged and didnt say anything. "their alpha blood is humming and they reek of alpha its never been like this. what happened on that phone call?" i said while feeling like i was going to shift any minute i couldnt handle this feeling. kylie opened the door and walked ina little and shouted for her parents i took one step in the house and i couldnt go any further and once i heard luna kates voice that sent me over the edge. "kylie i cant handle this im going out for a run" and then as soon as i got off the porch i shifted running into the forest as fast as i could. not because i was feeling threatened but because my wolf was riled up, lily couldnt handle our luna and alpha being angry she loved them like they were family, and so did i.

i pumped my legs faster and faster until i couldnt anymore until my legs gave out from under me. i dont know why i feel like this its just they have never been like that i mean ive only met them about 20 times in my life but it was normally for a two or three week visit each time and we were so close and i just never knew they had a side to them like that.

me and lily came to a small stream and started drinking, i let lily take over a bit but she just wanted to sleep. so i shifted back and decided to climb a big tree that was overlooking the stream and some of the forest. i climbed up and up until i came to the perfect branch that i could lay down on, i made myself comfortable and could feel my eyes lids become heavier and soon i couldnt keep my eyes open so i welcomed the darkness with open arms.

i felt something wet drip down onto my face and arms so i slowly opened my eyes and let out a big yawn. i looked around and saw that it was pouring down and i could hear a bit of thunder god i hate thunder and lightening. its annoying and it makes me jump when ever there is a flash or bang. i jumped off of the tree and in mid air shifted into my wolf form i ran starting to head back to the back house. i got to the tree line and shifted back into my human form instead of going through the back door i jogged over to the front not wanting to bump into luna kate and alpha john.

when i got to the corner of the house i saw a girl with long strawberry blonde hair and peircing blue eyes. i have never seen her in my whole life so why the hell was she heading out of my house where my mate is and has been for the last hour, i let out a growl loud enough for her to hear and as soon as she heard me she whipped around and stared right at me.

i ran over quicker than she could anticipate and tackled her to the ground straddling her holding her to the ground with my claws on her neck. "why were you in my pack house?" i questioned her trying to sound as cold as possible "mars?" is she stalking me or something "how do you know my name and who are you?" i asked putting a little bit more pressure onto her neck. "im Addilyn its nice to meet you, i dont mean any harm but if you want me to tell you anything you need to come with me" as soon as she said that i started levitating and i was now on my feet, witch. "and why would i do that, witch" i was still on defence but i retracted my claws and stood there waiting for her to make a move. "because i have crucial information about your mate, the guardian" she knows if she knows then she must have been told by kylie because no one in the whole world knows apart from me, lukas and the moon goddess but i guess she does now too.

Forever in love (GxG) (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें