chapter 13

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kylies pov - chapter 13

my eyes slowly started to open adjusting to the darkness surrounding me, so that means it must be quite early in the morning. i turned and looked at the alarm clock and it read half four why in the holy hell am i waking up so early lately. i glanced over at mars and she was still fast asleep so i guess its safe for me to head out without waking her up, i take the covers off of me and stand up stretching feeling and hearing a couple of cracks here and there. i walked over to the closet and picked out my school clothes for today white shorts and a baggy blue top after putting on my clothes for today i headed outside to the backyard. "may as well go for a run to pass the time" i said aloud i jogged over to the trees and mid jog i shifted into my white wolf.

for the next hour and a half i just ran around in circles scaring some deer and rabbits its quite funny actually how they stay there for a second until you make a noise and they run off like their life depends on it, well i guess it sorta does but only if i was going to kill it which i wasnt.

after i scared a couple more animals i decided to head home but on the way home i started thinking about lex and how she hasnt been in my head for a while. 'hey lex are you there?' i asked no reply 'hi' ok so she is still there thats good 'why arent you in my head that much anymore' i asked her 'im only in your head when you want me to be because your mostly lycan now im starting to drift away and soon i will be joining the moon goddess again' wait so soon i wont have lexie at all 'so im not going to hear you ever again after your gone' that actually upsetted me a little knowing that i wont be able to hear her cocky remarks and teasing comments. 'yes but dont worry if you really need my help the moon godess will send me back to help you' well at least i know she will be there when i really need her but im going 'well i hope you dont miss me to much' i said to her and let out a small laugh 'dont worry i wont, goodbye kylie' she said and i said goodbye back but she wasnt there.

i got back to the house and went into the kitchen and saw a pacing mars "where did you go you weren’t next to me and i thought you were making breakfast so i came down here and-" i grabbed her shoulders and looked at her "babe calm down im not going anywhere,ok sorry but your stuck with me for eternity" she and i let out a small laugh and she gave me a hug. "sorry  i just keep thinking that your going to leave me, i just feel like im preassuring you into this marking and mates thing" i pulled away from the hug and gave her a look that said 'um excuse me' "mars im pretty sure i was the one who said we should mark eachother soon so dont feel like your preasuring me. and you are definatly not pressuring me into this mate thing because i love you with all of my heart and more" she just nodded and leaned back into the hug. "come on we have around an hour and a half till we need to leave for school so lets get everything ready so we can be early for school" i said to her while walking out of the kitchen "hey where are you going i didnt get my good morning kiss" mars shouted from the kitchen "oh babe you need to work for it" i answered her "how can i work for a simp-" she paused and i think relisation hit her. "YOU ARE NOT GETTING THE SHOWER FIRST" she shouted while running up the stairs.

i quickly zoomed through our room, ooo our room i like that. anyway. i got into the bathroom and locked the door a couple seconds later mars starts to bang on the door "babe c'mon i need to get washed dressed changed and i need to do my makeup" i let out a small giggle while getting undressed. "mars you are gorgeous without makeup plus after my shower i promise to give you a really good kiss" i love teasing her "it better be a damn good kiss".

about ten minutes later i was out the shower but silly me forgot to pick up clothes on my way into the bathroom. "shit" i mumbled under my breath i doubt she is in the bedroom anyway she probably went to go use the other bathroom downstairs. i unlocked the door and walked over to the closet but as i was opening the door  to check i heard heavy breathing coming from behind me. i slowly turned around and saw mars standing next to the bed in utter shock or surprise i dont really know.

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