chapter 16

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kylies pov - chapter 16

*after kylie passed out*

blackness, thats all i see right now. whats going on? ouch someone just slapped me "kylie wake up" who is that? wait i recognise the voice "kylie wake the fuck up". i opened my eyes and saw standing there addilyn. "hey umm what happened?" has she taken my memories away yet "well i had to make you black out to make it look real and make sure if your parents saw they believed it, and i blocked off your memories to other witches so it looks like you dont have them" addilyn said kinda fast.

"so you didnt take the memories?" i asked a little confused to as why she didnt do what she came here to do "hell no she is your mate and i absolutely hate kate and john so why would i help them" she said in a duh tone. "but didnt you do a blood oath with them?" if she did then that would end badly "hell no i just owed them a favour but i guess i still owe them one seen as i didnt do this one. oh well" she said "so whats going to happen now?" i asked still not sure as of what her plans are going to be. "well around your parents your going to act like you love them with all of your heart and hate mars, im still going to go looking for my mate for the next two weeks and then once i get back. thats when things will start to take place" she paused and she looked happy with her plan but then she started talking again. "when your next alone with mars you can talk to her but at school and anywhere else act like you hate her" i just nodded.

i guess i'll need to put my all into it and the hardest thing will be pretending to hate mars.    "well i best get going, and if something horrible goes wrong. you'll know how to get in contact" and then she gave me a wink and walked out. why the heck did she wink at me, maybe there is something she isnt telling me.

*mars and kylie out in the woods*

me and mars are now walking through the woods so my parents wont hear us talk because im pretty sure they would kill mars which would kill me literally. "so what actually happened?" mars asked still walking beside me "well..." and then i told mars the whole story of how we need to act and make everyone believe that we hate eachother for my parents. also how when addilyn comes back some thing will definitely be changing for the better. but apparently addilyn already told her the rest like how my 'parents' are absolutely out of their fucking minds. but she also told me that after addilyn left the house she sort of attacked her but then they made up and i guess some what friends?. i have no idea but all i know is that we need her and she needs us.

"ok but i dont know if i can do this i mean you talking to your dad earlier and then giving me that horrible look" mars paused and looked over to me with a sad look "even though i now know it wasnt real, it broke my heart. but god damn are you a good actor" she said with a chuckle "well" i stopped walking and put my arms around her waist and pulled her into me "i promise to never stop loving you and always be there for you even when im acting like a different person for my parents" and then i gave her i small kiss on her forehead. "well my beautiful beautiful mate, i will hold you to that. and obviously promise the same back" i kissed her on the lips and then grabbed her hand and we both started walking back to the house.

me and mars are standing outside of her bedroom and were not saying anything, just standing soaking up eachothers presence. "im gonna miss not being your arms at night" mars said while taking a hold of my hands "two weeks beautiful, two weeks and we will be able to do what ever you want" she looked up to me with hopeful eyes "yes even that" i said to her with a smile. "you promise after this i will be yours and you will be mine officially" she had teras in her eyes now, but not from being sad "i promise" and i plan on keeping that promise.

"come on its we should be getting to bed now. Because  you need to get some sleep seen as your going to be putting your all into tomorrow" i said with a sad smile. "just so you know none of it will be real tomorrow none of the words. and because this has to be as believable as possible im going to start hanging out with my old group" i just nodded and placed my hand on her cheek. "do you think they will take you back?" i asked her hoping her plan will word "i may not hang out with them anymore but im still the most popular girl in school. and dont underestimate me" she said with a smirk while walking into her room.

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