chapter 8

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kylies pov - chapter 8

"kylie wake up, we need to go to training" mars said shaking me lightly, why oh why do i need to get up so early. "what time is it" i asked my voice sounding croaky "it is... five thirty and training starts in half an hour so hurry your cute ass up" she said while walking into my bathroom. "you think my ass is cute" i shouted to her "shut up and get up" she said from the bathroom, ugh i dont want to get up so i turned over and put my head under the pillow. but before i could fall back to sleep mars jumped on my side "GET UP!" she shouted in my ear. god i am gonna kill her in training today. "alright, alright im up jeez i dont see why i need to get up so early on a freakin sunday. have you ever heard of beauty sleep" i said walking over to my closet to grab some old clothes "yeah and it seems like you have never had any" is she calling me ugly oh she is so dead "your so dead in training today" i said giving her a serious look, but she knows im just playing around. "mhm we'll see" and with that she walked out of my room and im guessing went down to get some breakfast.

after i got dressed i went into my bathroom to get washed, i picked up my toothbrush and there was a piece of paper attatched to it. i pulled it off and it said 'two days' im so going to kill that kris, maybe i should go down to mr.hopps and see if i can get a phone number or something. i threw the paper in the bin and then wondered how the hell did that note get into my room.

i ran down stairs and into the kitchen to see mars cooking breakfast i snuck up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist "good morning beautiful" i said giving her a kiss on the cheek and about to head outside. "good morning to you to, where are you going breakfast is almost ready and training startes in fifteen minutes" she said turning to me and crossing her arms. "i need to go see nathan so i can try and get a phone number because, this morning kris decided to leave a little note in the bathroom for me" i said unlocking the door. "oh my god please dont say that there was a dead bird this time" actually im surprised he didnt give me a dead animal this time "no, just a sticky note. anyway i will be back in five minutes, bye love you" and i ran out to the old bunker he was being held at.

i slowly opened the bunker door and walked in, it smells like dead bodys and sweat not a good mix. i got to his cell gate and he looked horrible his face was drained of colour and his eyes are white and gray like if he was blind. "nathan i need to ask you something" i said from outside the gate "im only going to talk if you get rid of whatever you've done to me" he said looking straight ahead. "nathan can you see me right now" i asked leaning myself against the gate "no i cant, after you bit me i started getting halucinations. i couldnt handle it so i blinded myself but it still didnt work" i dont feel bad for him im just surprised at what my bite can do to people who dont deserve it.

"are you getting the hallucinations right now" i asked because right now he seemed calm like nothing is actually wrong. "no but itsa only cause your here, when your close they start to fade. but come back once your gone" well thats interesting so im the cause of this torture but im also the only cure, wait what would happen if i hid myself. like i did from mars would that bring back the hallucinations. so i focused on hiding myself imagining he cant sense me, i stared him in the eye and when i his myself his whole eye turned back and he started screaming. maybe this is how i can get information if i ask him but he doesnt answer he gets tortured. "tell me kris's phone number" i stopped hiding my scent and he stopped screaming. he told me his phone number and i left him be as soon as i closed the door his screaming started again.

i walked back into the kitchen to see carly, lukas, ryan, mars and jess? i ran up to her and hugged her "jess where have you been i havent seen you in days?" i said she seemed happier somehow i wonder what happened. "i found my mate" thats when i took a whiff of her scent, it cant be "his name is kris, with a k and he is amazing he is so nice and his pack is huge" i turned back to mars and she had the same expression on her face as i. i turned back around to jess and put on a fake smile "thats nice, im really happy for you i hope i can meet him one day" i said through gritted teeth. mars quickly popped into my head 'well i guess you cant kill kris anymore' she said 'no but that doesnt mean i cant hurt him, unless they have already marked eachother. cause if they already have then jess will feel the pain too' i said. "have you marked eachother yet" i said jess instantly blushed, dammit. 'well thats plan b gone as well' i said to mars through our mind link.

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