chapter 10

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its four in the morning and i've been tossing and turning all night wondering what will happen when i meet kris's fathers pack. mars still has school and should be waking up in about an hour and a half two tops. i think i might leave before she wakes up because she will probably want to come with me but i cant let her do that i dont want her getting hurt or worse. i kissed mars on her forehead and slowly got out of bed trying not to wake her. i better not trip over anything because mars will wonder why im trying to sneak out, i tried to take careful steps but that didnt work and i ended up stubbing my toe on the end of the bed "ouch god dammit" i whisper yelled. i heard shuffling coming from the bed i turned around and saw mars sitting up. "what are you doing?" she seemed annoyed and im pretty sure she knows what im doing.

"umm... im going down to make breakfast" i lied her eyes started glowing probably so she could see in the darkness of the room. "why are you lying to me" i made my eyes glow so i could see her facial expression, she looked hurt. "im sorry its just i wanted to leave before you woke up so you wouldnt need to worry" i walked over to the bed and sat down "dont you think me waking up alone and you gone would have worried me more. the first thing i would have thought if i woke up without you would probably be 'has kris taken her' 'did she run away'." i would never run away without her  "well im going to go down stairs and make breakfast, for real. and then im going to phone kris to see when he is coming to get me" she nodded and looked down "its going to be ok, im going to be ok i dont think they're going to hurt me because if they wanted to they would have already" i gave her a quick kiss on the lips and headed downstairs.

im in the kitchen looking in the fridge wondering what i should make "pancakes, bacon and eggs or french toast" i said out loud what to choose i have no idea "aha i'll make all of them" that was the best solution cause who can choose there all so delicious. so i made breaksfast and waited for mars to come down i was just sitting at the island waiting and then i saw someone come into the kitchen. its just jess "what are you doing up so early?" i asked her she normally wakes up at like seven but the earliest she does wake is about six and right now its only quarter to five. "i should be asking you the smae thing, and why the hell are you making breakfast at" she paused and looked at the clock at the other side of the room "quarter to five its too early for this but because im up anyway i might just eat the now" typical jess cant keep her hands off of good food. "your lucky i made enough for everyone" i said picking up a pancake. jess picked up at least one of everything, she is lucky she is a werewolf if she wasnt then im a hundred percent she would be overweight but of course i would love her anyway.

"so have you marked eachother yet" that came out of no where "um.. no but its not that i dont want to because everyday i feel like i just need to be with her. i dont know if that only goes for me i hope it doesnt because i never knew that something that happened so quick and out of the blue could be so amazing. i do want to make her mine but i just dont think im ready, not yet" i took another bite of the pancake. i looked over to jess and she was glaring at me "what?" why does she look so serious all of a sudden "have you told he-" jess stopped talking when mars walked into the room "have you told who what?" she walked over gave me a kiss on the cheek and picked out her breakfast. "oh nothing we were just talking about how kylie over there ahsnt marked you yet and vice versa" she had a grin on her face while taking some more breakfast. i stared over at jess and let out a growl "oh, ok." she put down her plate and headed towards the back door "im going out for a run" her eyes started glowing but they were flickering, was mars about to lose control.

i looked at jess and made my eyes glow red "thanks a lot jess, like you said before she has a lot of self control and it must be difficult. so dont talk about marking again, got it?" i was almost shouting at her i was angry she made my mate upset and no one is allowed to do that. she nodded her head and i ran out the back door. mars was just about to reach the tree line but i ran up to her and took her arm in my hand "mars im sorry about her she just doesnt know how to keep her mouth shut" she turned around to me and her eyes were just glowing no flicker and no emotion. "mars?" i cant tell if thats her or if her wolf has taken over "lily?" she looked up and stared me in the eyes. "lily can i please talk to mars i need to apologise, please" her eyes stopped glowing and mars was about to fall to the ground but i caught her in just in time.

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