chapter seven

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Victoria was woken up by a tap on her leg, she yawned and shielded her eyes cause of the light coming in through the windows, the tap on her leg continued and she could hear Miss Abby's voice calling her name as she slowly regained consciousness.

"Good morning Madam Victoria," Mrs Abby said smiling at her.

Victoria did her normal yawning and moaning waking-up routine until finally, she was fully awake.

"Good morning ma" Victoria greeted yawning.

"Oh please just call me Abby, the boss said I should inform you that you eat breakfast with him"

"Oh really sorry I...."

Victoria wasn't able to complete whatever she was about to say as the room door was pushed open revealing an upset Eric, He had on his PJ pants and a black top, with his hands in his pants pocket as he stood at the door with a straight face looking at a Victoria who was still on the bed naked underneath the blanket she wrapped her self with, she loved sleeping naked with just her blankets covering her.

Without thinking Victoria sat up straight mistakenly dropping the covers and exposing the upper part of her body, immediately Eric's eyes went to her exposed body and there was a hint of lust in them, embarrassed Victoria quickly pulled back the covers to cover herself up again.

"Good...Good morning" she greeted him stuttering a little due to the embarrassment she felt.

"Morning, I'm hungry and I need to eat, you are my wife, you eating breakfast with me doesn't mean I should be kept waiting Victoria," Eric said looking at her with no emotions visible on his face not even anger.

"Am sorry I would be..." Victoria started to say but before she could finish he left slamming the door at her.

"Oh my! You better join him now Madam, the boss is not really in a good mood" Abby said immediately after Eric left.

Sure I would go freshen up right now, thank you"

Abby nodded and left the room. Immediately in other to not keep him waiting any longer Victoria rushed into the bathroom and in a few minutes she was out, she opened her walk-in closet and was amazed at how many beautiful the clothes in there were not bothering to waste more time, she picked an off-shoulder simple plain pink gown that ended a little bit above her knees, yes it was kind of short and she liked it just cause it was so simple, she packed her hair up in a ponytail and put on a star-shaped small earring and ran out of her room.

She was so happy that she could remember Abby's directions to the dining room, she wasn't going to get lost.

But all happiness drained from Victoria when she arrived at the table and found out Eric wasn't alone, there was a certain Shantel with him in her night lingerie.

"Good morning Victoria" Shantel said smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"Morning," Victoria said with a blank expression on her face glancing from her to Eric and back to her.

"How was your night? hope you slept well. Please join us" Shantel said still smiling.

Eric on the other hand kept a straight face as he and Victoria held eye contact for a while.

"Thank you" Victoria said taking her seat and serving herself breakfast.

"Oh Eric the night was so wonderful you bad boy, you were hungry for me" Shantel said pecking Eric on the cheek as he ate his breakfast, and after finishing what he had in his mouth he kissed Shantel in the mouth demandingly for a while before breaking the kiss.

"Oh baby since you are on your honey Moon, why don't we travel someplace just us, but of course, Victoria would tag along, what do you think," Shantel said after he broke the kiss.

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