chapter fifteen

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"Wake up Victoria, we are home" Eric said tapping Victoria on her lap to wake her up, when they arrived in the u.s he didn't bother waking her up, cause he carried her to the car,but here at the house he couldn't do that, why?,cause he didn't want the house keepers to get any ideas into their heads.

He wasn't sure of what he felt for Victoria yet so he didn't want anyone jumping into conclusions whatsoever. He kept tapping Victoria but instead of waking up, all she did was make a certain kind of noise and go back to sleep,it was becoming annoying, he tapped her leg one more time,and she did the same thing, he's annoyance was growing with what she was doing, why won't she wake up like a normal human.

"Victoria goddamit wake up!!" Eric half shouted.

She turned and turned and finally she was awake,she used the back of her hand to rub her eyes reminding Eric of little baby girls, he stared at her for a while until he was sure she was fully awake.

"We are home" Eric said and after a few minutes he realized what he just said, he just called his house home with her, shaking his head to remove the thoughts creeping into his mind, he came down from the car and went over to open the door for Victoria.

She stepped out and thanked him as always,the look in her eyes as she walked into the house,worried Eric,it was that look that said she was scared of losing something, if she hadn't already lost it.

When his nanny came to welcome them he just nodded his head and went upstairs to his room,He closed the door and went straight to his walk in closest to get changed, the calls he was getting from the office wasn't encouraging in any way, Isabella was threatening to pull out her shares from the company, not that it would cause a big damage, but a little damage could cause a big one,what if the other share holders wanted to pull out their shares to, even tho seventy percent shares of the company belonged to him,he didn't have the time to start looking for new share holders now that the China business would kick into action in three days time, nothing was suppose to go wrong.

What aggravated him the more where Isabella's reasons, she had the right to be jealous after what she did to him and his family, she was the reason everything turned upside down in his world, she was the green snake in the green grass, she was hiding in plane sight, she was the reason why he turned into the heartless monster that people say he is now, Isabella castillo ruined him once, he wasn't going to let her do it again.

After changing out of the casual wear he wore on the plane,he took a shower that was surprisingly longer than his usual shower,well when a certain brunette kept invading his mind it wasn't that much of a surprise when you think of it, He changed into a gray Armani suite and styled his hair the usual way.

When he got downstairs he saw Victoria placing some dishes on the dinning table,she had an apron on and it reminded him of his mum during those good old days before the storm that turned his family upsidedown.

"Eric,come have breakfast,i made some sandwiches for you" Victoria said to him with a little hopeful smile on her face.

He stared at her for a while before walking pass her and made his way out of the house to where his driver had parked the car and was waiting for him, when he go into the car and the driver started the engine there was a knock at his window, he winded it down to see Victoria holding a red bag in her hands which he raised a brow at.

"I packaged it for you just in case you where going to be in a hurry" Victoria said twisting the hand of the bag nervously.

"I don't need it" Eric said and wined the window back up,ordering his driver to move.

He felt like a big ass right now but he couldn't help what he did, she was already making breakfast and tying aprons, it was too fast,he didn't want to give her much hope as he himself wasn't sure of what he felt or was feeling towards her,packing and making breakfast for him was too quick, like there were really a couple or something, that was something lovers did and the last time he checked they hadn't gotten on that ship yet, he wasn't the type to jump into things without testing the waters first especially when that thing was something new to him.

The contract MarriageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora