chapter twenty-nine

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"Yes Victoria, she's..... She's your sister" Valeria said

"Are you crazy or something? Are you mad mum!? How can she be my sister how?" Victoria said at the top of her voice angrily.

"She is Victoria,I......I....had a child before i married your father Victoria she was three years when you were born,your father and I decided to keep it away from you and your sister until you were old enough to understand, bella is the child I had with Mr castillo, actually he raped me but then your father and I were not together, Bella is your sister Victoria" Valeria explained with sadness visible on her face.

"Baby please take me upstairs before I say something I might regret,please" Victoria said to Eric, he noded and did as she said.

When they entered the room immediately Victoria broke down in tears, which brought pain to Eric if there was one thing he hated,it was seeing her in pain.

"Shhhhh babe please don't cry" Eric said and pulled her back into his arms,he began stroking her hair to calm her down but it did nothing as Victoria kept on crying.

"Why Eric why? Why all this?is it wrong for me to wish for happiness? Of all people Eric its Isabella that had to be my sibling, how?why?" Victoria said in tears,she was in so much pain,why was life doing this to her,what was her crime?were her thoughts.

"Shhhh baby please don't do this to yourself am here for you and I love you with every breath in me,we would get through this my love we would, please stop crying" Eric said stroking her hair.

Victoria kept on crying and all Eric's effort to console her were in vain,it made his hatred grow for Isabella and her mother,and he made his decision he wasn't going to let that woman called her mother to hurt her again,she already did so by dying and it should be the last time she would hurt her.

"Baby please stop crying please,I hate seeing you like this I really do,please baby"Eric said.

" I can't Eric I just can't!,I can't accept all this,I can't take it any more Eric I can't" Victoria said and went into the bathroom.

Eric left the room for the sitting room where Isabella and her mother were still seated,the sight of them made the anger Eric was feeling double.

"Get the freeking hell out of my house this instant the both of you before I commit murder" Eric said angrily.

"Calm down Eric I just told my sister the truth" Isabella said.

"Valeria take this thing you call a child and leave my house else the next thing I would be doing won't be pleasant for any of you" Eric said angrily.

"You have no respect!how dare you talk to me that way?" Valeria said angrily

"Ok" Eric said and brought out his phone,he dialed a number on his phone and put the phone on his ear as he waited for the person on the other line to pick.

"Hello,good afternoon Mr Ferris, we're fine..... I need you to come to my house right now and pick up some set of people that are causing nuisance in my home....yes...yes....OK....that would be all...thank you" he said and ended the call.

"You little bastard you called the cops on me? Am your mother in law,you have no right,whatever happens between I and my daughter is none of your business" Valeria said angrily.

"You are very funny you know, I am Eric Knight incase you've forgotten and I can do what ever I want to,I can make the world move if I fucking want to,don't you dare tell me what I can and can't do,for the past few days you spent in my house you've done nothing but cause trouble, you were suppose to bring joy into the life of my wife that's the only reason I let you stay here,but instead you do nothing but hurt her,any business of Victoria is automatically my business, now you better leave with your so called daughter before the cops get here" Eric said coldly so coldly that it brought fear.

"You don't scare me Eric,you don't know me and what am capable of so if I were you I'd tread carefully" Valeria said looking him straight in the eyes with her chin up.

"I know who you are Valeria, you think I don't? Well I know you are Alessandro Castillo's wife, Isabella's father, I also know that you married him two years after your accident, I also know that the shares Isabella claims to own in my company belongs to you,I also know that your real name isnt Valeria,I also know that you were not raped by anybody, in fact I also know that you married Victoria's father cause you wanted to runaway from your past,and one last thing I know about you is that you've been pushing drugs all your life,or am I wrong Diana?,so do you still think I don't know you?" Eric said coldly with no emotions visible on his face but the fire in his sea blue eyes didn't go unnoticed and so was the fear and shock in Valeria's eyes and face,even Isabella was speechless

"The only person that doesn't know you is victoria"Eric said

" mum we need to go now,we would come back for him later but right now we need to leave this place" Isabella said and picked up her bag that was laying on the chair.

"How? did he know?" Valeria said terrified.

"He's Eric Knight mother, that's how he knows, now the only thing we should pray for is that Victoria doesn't get to find out else we would never have her on our side,and if we don't have her on our side then we can never get our revenge on the knights family" Isabella said.

"Oh no" Valeria said sadly.



Until next time
(Drops pen).

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