chapter twenty-four

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"Babe, babe please wake up please oh God,Victoria!,somebody call the doctor right now!" Eric said as fear gripped him when Victoria fainted.

He wasn't happy with all that was going on,first his mother now hers,why couldn't all the mother's understand that she's also expecting a baby,he wished he didn't her,but he couldn't lie either,how her mother was still alive was surprising, but with what his men told him it wasn't that hard to believe, they found out that she just came out of coma two days ago, she has been in coma for the past ten years.

"Sir the doctor is here"his Secretary said.


"Ok fine where the hell is he?"Eric yelled.

"Am here sir, please can you move so I can check on her" the doctor said taking Eric's place beside Victoria.

He carried out a few check ups on her and then prescribed some drugs and vitamins that she should be given.

"Sir your wife and the baby are OK,she just needs a lot of rest it seems like she has been put under a lot of stress lately and I strongly advice against that,please she really needs a lot of rest,and get theses drugs and vitamins for her,that would be all" the doctor said handing Eric his prescription.

"Thanks doc" Eric said.

"Eric,Eric......" Victoria called out.

"Yes baby,I'm here" Eric said and squat beside her.

"My..mother Eric...she's alive Eric...she's..Alive" Victoria said subconsciously.

"Yes baby and am bringing her over" Eric said and placed kisses on her palm.

"I want my mother Eric I've missed her so much, Eric I want my mum"Victoria said.

" I know love but right now I need you to rest sweetheart you need rest not just for you alone but also for the baby,please vi promise me you are going to rest,for me and the baby's sake promise me" Eric said

"I promise but please I want my mum with me please..Eric bring my mum"Victoria said with tears dropping from her eyes.

" I would, now please let me take you home ok?" Eric said as he gradually carried her into his arms bridal style.

He told his secretary to call up his driver and tell him to bring the car out to the buildings entrance,well carrying a six months gone pregnant woman wasn't a piece of cake.

When they arrived home, Eric carried her to their room and helped her remove her cloths how Victoria was still goddam sexy even with her pregnancy was something that marvelled him all the time,and it was still very hard to resist making love to her even at this stage.

His eyes raked her body from head to toe like they were placing kisses every where they landed,she was already asleep and with the way her hair sprayed on the bed it was like a pregnant play boy mansion model come to life, he shook his head to clear his thoughts before he did anything stupid, Then he covered her up with the duvet and left the room for his study,he had work to do,he needed to bring his wife mother to her,and then make sure he's rot's in jail,the irony of life.

The knock on the door brought his attention back to earth as he was already lost in work and issues of life,he frowned in annoyance as whosoever it was,was distracting him,And distractions was the last thing he needed right now.

"Come in" Eric said in annoyance.

"Eric tell me what the hell is going on Eric tell me I demand an explanation" shantel said immediately she entered his study.

The sight of her not only surprised Eric but how she looked to,she was pregnant also and hers looked bigger than Victoria's which meant it was either a month or two older, Eric stared at her with his eye balls literarily popping out, he hasn't seen her since they got back from China and oh boy! was he surprised.

But unlike Victoria shantel looked nothing close to sexy,she had put up much weight,her slim face was gone and was replaced with a chubby one,if not for her voice,hair colour and stormy green eyes he wouldn't have recognized her.

"What exactly are you talking about?" Eric asked.

"What exactly are you doing? Isn't this suppose to be a contract marriage? So tell me what's all this your deceleration of love for that orphan? Tell me!!!" Shantel said at the top of her voice annoying Eric.

"What orphan? I hope you are not referring to my wife,cause as we speak her mother is preparing to come over from Paris,and yes it was supposed to to be a contract marriage but too bad love paid us a visit and now its a forever marriage, and so freeking what if I tell my wife how much I love her? Who are you to tell me what and what not to do?" Eric said coldly very coldly that the hair on shantel's body stood up.

"What about us?" Shantel said with tears in her eyes.

"Us? Really? Well us is dead and it has been dead for a very long time now" Eric said simply like he was discussing the weather.

"No Eric,that's not possible, it can't be,you love me Eric and I love you too and Victoria is just for a while,we can't just be over Eric, no" shantel said in tears.

"Well we are over shantel and I demand you stop coming to my house I don't want my wife feeling threatened" Eric said.

"Eric, baby,look at me,it's me,shantel your baby,your fiancée, your woman,we can't just be over we've come a long way babe look at me" shantel said closing the gap between them.

She reached out to touch Eric but he moved away,she was in tears,words couldn't describe how she was feeling the pain was unbearable, and her hatred for Victoria grew.

"Shantel dont piss me off,leave please,take care of your self and your unborn child and love whosoever is responsible" Eric said trying his best not be irritated by her.

"Eric do you know why I stayed away for this long?its because I didn't want you to see me like this but I couldn't take it anymore, seeing you and that Victoria so happy,I couldn't, I had to come no matter how I looked cause I believe you don't love cause of how your partner looks, you haven't even bothered to ask me who is responsible" shantel said but this time she had wiped the tears from her face and her mean expressions were back on.

"Does it matter?" Eric said.

"Yes Eric it does,especially to you,here read this" shantel said handing him a white envelop.

Eric frowned and collected the white envelop,he opened it and saw a paper inside ,he looked up at her and raised a questioning brow.

"Read it Eric" shantel said with confidence, a confidence that Eric didn't like.

He opened the paper and read through it after doing so he frowned his brows, as how it made no sence to him.

"Its your pregnancy confirmation results,what am I suppose to do with it?" Eric asked annoyed.

"Check the date eric,it was giving to me two weeks after our return from China confirming that I was three weeks pregnant,few days after we returned I started getting symptoms and signs that my body was changing so I did a test, and it confirmed that I was already three weeks gone, now do the maths, Eric it only means that YOU ARE THE FATHER OF THE BABY IN MY WOMB"shantel said.

" what?" Eric and shantel heard someone say.

Hope you like this.



(Drops pen)

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