chapter twenty-one

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The past few weeks has been very stressful as Eric was still searching for his sister, he still couldn't believe his mother was capable of doing such things.

At first Victoria was sceptical about telling him who kidnapped her but after they found out that Amanda was missing also she had to do the right thing, and she was thankful that Eric believed her.

Tony was arrested two days after her escape, and his reasons made Victoria hate him, how could he do such a thing to his best friend all because of a fake promise, She later found out that Susan promised to get Isabella for tony as he has been having a stupid crush on her for years, the reason was pathetic.

On the bright side she was so happy to see her family once more, Ella was already in her senior year and her aunt Elizabeth was finally Running her own business with help from Eric, she was so excited to share the good news of her pregnancy with them, Eric made her laugh with his funny behaviour's, he never allowed her do anything on her own and she wasn't even heavy yet.

The sound of her phone ringing brought her out of her train of thoughts.

"Hello?" Victoria said into the phone.

"Where are you?" She heard Eric say.

"A coffee shop nearby I was craving for a latte and donuts so I went to get them" Victoria said frowning

" you are pregnant Victoria, you want something, send the whole staffs in the company to get it for you if you like but DONT! GO OUT ON YOUR OWN" Eric said emphasizing the words.

"Its the coffee shop close by Eric am OK" Victoria said with a smile on her face.

"Don't leave there am sending Shawn over" he said and ended the call.

She rolled her eyes at Eric's reaction, she understood his care for her, she was happy that he was looking out for her, it gladdened her heart that this contract marriage was breeding something beautiful between them.

She felt a tap on her shoulders and jerked up in fear but was relived that it was just Eric, she shook her head at him and rolled her eyes, really he came by himself?, its just coffee.

"Really Eric?, don't trust Shawn enough either right" Victoria said and rolled her eyes

"Stop, stop this Victoria, you do as I say and if I say never go out alone, you never go out alone am I understood, I can't be worrying about you all the time, you have to be safe, you must be safe OK?" Eric said with a straight face.

It melted Victoria's heart literary, that he cared about her this much, she didn't bother arguing with him, she nodded her head, and tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to flow, she was just happy.

Eric took her hands in his and led them out of the coffee shop, the car was already packed outside and Shawn stood at the door, immediately he saw them he opened the door and Victoria and Eric got in.

Surprisingly Eric placed his hands on Victoria's stomach and started rubbing it gently.

"Where is the baby?" He asked.

"Here" Victoria said and moved his hands to the right side of her tommy.

"Really but I can't feel anything" Eric said frowning a little which made Victoria burst out in laughter and Eric's frown deepened in annoyance.

"Stop laughing, I don't see anything funny about the situation" Eric said in annoyance.

"It is Eric you can't feel it yet cause its just a month" Victoria said and continued laughing but the laughter was cut short as Eric claimed her lips in a deep kiss startling her a little.

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