Part 3

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-Your Pov-

You saw the Branwens, and your mind went into overdrive, and yet couldn't manage to come up with a helpful thing to say whatsoever. The two of them looked at you curiously, and you finally managed to shake your head to wake up your thoughts. You noticed the both of them looked similar to how they did in Beacon, the only difference being that Qrow had managed to finally grow some stubble, as opposed to never being able to grow facial hair. And when you took the time to look at Raven, your mind failed you once again. She looked as good as the day you had left Beacon. Her black hair falling freely, and as always, her stunning red eyes. And, then you managed to snap yourself out of it when you saw an engagement ring on her finger. You winced at this, and felt the sinking, cold feeling in your stomach. " Hey guys," you said, neutrally as you could, doing your best to keep the hurt of your voice, and out of your mind. What else had you been expecting to see.

Hopefully, neither of them noticed the brief flicker of pain that must have been in your eyes. The two of them smile at you, and you feel Summer place her hand on your shoulder, and then give a squeeze. " Come on in guys," she says. " I have some cookies in the oven right now, and we can all get caught up." They nod, and thank her before coming in. You stand in the doorway for a few minutes, and start blinking rapidly. Eventually, you shake your head before heading in and closing the door behind you. Making your way over to the kitchen, you notice Summer hands you a plate with more cookies than the rest. It's a small thing, but you give a smile. Your sister has always been looking out for you, and small things like this are part of it. Sitting down at the table, everyone else joins you.

" Where did you go," asks Qrow, drunkenly. " I mean, you made a name for yourself. The 'Burning Rose' is pretty much one of the most famous huntsman of all time now. But, what the hell kind of missions did you go on?"

" I just went from place to place. Whatever problems a town person may have had, I took care of it. Grimm. Bandits. Rogue huntsman. I just did what huntsman do," you say, which is true. You notice Raven wince for the briefest second when you mention having dealt with bandits, and then you realize why. She admitted to you once that she had only gone with Qrow to Beacon had been to learn how to kill huntsman. But, it would seem that the two of them had been able to make a life for themselves other than what the tribe wanted. Which was good, and yet the engagement ring was a constant reminder of that you weren't the love she wanted for herself. You had this thought, and then shoved another cookie in your mouth, and bit your tongue. You swallowed a bit of blood, and then noticed Raven had asked another question.

" Why did you leave," she asks, and you sigh, not knowing how to answer this. You don't want to lie to her, and yet you also don't want to tell her you're in love with her, have been since your first year at Beacon, and couldn't imagine the day you would be over her. Even sitting in the room with her now was wonderful, confusing and heartbreaking all at once. You had been with women before, trying to get your mind off Raven. And, it never worked. Being here with her was the best feeling you had felt in awhile. Granted, the lighting of the kitchen shining out of the ring she wore hurt. But still.

Luckily, Summer steps to your side. " He originally was only going to be gone for a few days," she says. " He wanted to go and fight some Grimm, since he had been feeling a little cooped up in Beacon, and was getting restless. But, he found himself getting invested in mission after mission. By the time he realized how long he had been gone, graduation had come and gone. Then, he went back out to start as a formal huntsman."

Qrow narrows his eyes when she says this, as does Raven. However, the two of them decide to let it go, which you're thankful for. You're also thankful that Summer answered for you, since you had no idea what you would have said otherwise. Eventually, Qrow and Raven stand to leave, and you walk with them to the entrance of the door. " Since you're here, do you want to go to the Crow Bar," asks Qrow, not really phrasing it like a question. You nod at him ,and he says he'll text you when he wants you to meet him. The two of them walk out, and you close the door behind you, and turn to Summer, who holds up her hands.

" I had no idea they were coming," she says, and you sigh when you hear the earnesty in her voice, and you knew it was true. There was no way your sister would ever put you in a situation like that. Running your hands through your hair, you sigh, and she hands you the rest of her cookies. Taking them, you look at her, asking with your eyes if she had known Raven had gotten engaged to Tai. " I did," she says after a bit. " I knew he had proposed to her, and she had said yes. But, I didn't want them to come over because of that. I wanted to tell you myself, so you could get used to the idea of it."

Scoffing, you feel the tears well up in your eyes, and you put on a jacket to go out drinking. " I will never get used to the idea of it," you tell her, your voice breaking, before you head out into the night.

( let me know what you think of this chapter, and this story as a whole. I'm having a lot of fun writing it, so hopefully you guys are enjoying. let me know what you think especially of how Summer and the reader interact. I don't write a lot of things where the sister is as major as she is now, so hopefully I'm getting the dynamic of having a sibling right. also, let me know what you would like to see from this story.)

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