Part 36

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-Your pov-

You with with Raven, and she holds your hand, and reads to you from a book. The two of you had started this together way back when at Beacon, and yet had never finished because of the breakup. So, you had been pleasantly surprised when you saw she still had the page bookmarked, and had revealed she hoped to one day finish the book with you one day. The two of you sit in a calm silence, and then you eventually sigh, and then sit up. There's been something nagging at you all day today, and you need to tell Raven this. " Hey, so I told Yang that the two of us were getting married. And she told me she would go, but she has one condition. She wants you to talk to her, and explain everything."

This makes Raven freeze up, and then she nods and takes a deep breath. " Okay," she says. " I can do this. I can talk with her whenever she's ready. So, I need you there every step of the way. Is that okay?" You nod, and then she takes a deep breath, and then a red portal opens in front of the two of you. She holds out her hand, and you take it before giving a reassuring squeeze. Standing for a few moments, the two of you take a breath, before stepping out of the portal to see Yang in the training room, benching something heavy.

When she sees the two of you, she drops the weights. A loud thud is heard in the room, and she crosses her arms. " Raven," she says, and then looks at you. " I know I asked the two of you to talk to me before I was even willing to be at your wedding. But, now is not a good time."

" I had to do this now when I had the courage," says Raven, looking more timid than you're used to seeing her. " I know this isn't easy for you to meet me after all these years, but you have to realize that this is difficult for me to. If I didn't do it now, then I don't know if I would ever have been able to talk to you about all of this."

" Fine," says Yang, and you see her eyes flash red for a moment. " I deserve to know everything before this conversation can go any further. I want to know everything about you and (y/n), and I want to know everything about this bandit tribe. And, I don't want to here it from you (y/n), I already have. I need to hear it from Raven."

To your surprise, you see Raven fumble for your hand, so nervous she doesn't find it on the first try, and so you reach over and lock your fingers with her, and then give a squeeze. " (y/n) and I dated back when we were in Beacon thanks to his sister setting us up together. We had a big fight because of the bandit tribe, and then we broke up before getting back together when I saw how hard he was working to find me, and how much he loved me. The tribe is something Qrow and I were a part of. We originally existed to fight against huntsman, but the objective changed overtime to combat a great evil. Right now, we exist to cause chaos in the world to distract that evil from reaching the objective it's after."

The two of them stand in silence as Yang thinks the answer over in her mind, and then rolls her eyes. " And there was no other way to do that? In order to make that happen, you had to leave your husband, your brother, all your friends, and your daughter?!" Yang seems close to tears by this point, and Raven reaches out to comfort her, but Yang steps back. You wince when you see the look on Raven's face, like yours must have been when you reached out to Blake.

" Yang. Please give her a chance," you say softly, and then the two of them look at you, Raven thankfully and Yang angrily. " Do you remember what you told Blake when I went to make things right? You told her there is so much you would do to have this chance to talk with your mom. And Raven is here, trying to make things right. So please, let her at least have this chance."

" Fine," mutters Yang, and then the two of them starts to talk. The fight goes from calm, to an argument, to everything in between. You sit out of the fight, needing to let them finish it. Even though you want to support Raven, this is an issue that needs to be sorted out between mother and daughter. Eventually, you hear Yang sigh, and then Raven pulls her into a hug.

The two of them hold each other for awhile, and then Raven lets a few tears fall. " I'm proud of you you know? You've grown so strong, and big, and beautiful. I promise when this entire thing ends that I'll be there if you'll let me," she says, and then Yang manages to smile again.

" I'd love for that to happen," says Yang. " I still don't understand everything about you and the tribe. But, I want to have a relationship with my mother. And so, I'm going to do my best to give you a chance to be here." She takes a deep breath, and then turns to the both of you. " Of course I'm going to be at your wedding. Have you settled on a baby name?"

" Summer," you tell her, and then Yang smiles, and the three of you sit around for a few moments. " I need to talk to Ruby about being flower girl, but I'm glad the two of you were able to have this talk." With that, you start to walk off, and then you feel Raven tug at your sleeve. You turn around, and see Raven with tears in her eyes.

" Thank you," she whispers. " I never thought I would have this chance." Before the tears can fall, you pull her into a big hug, and then hold her, rocking back and forth, as Yang sees this, and then steps out of the room to give you some privacy to hold the woman you love.

( let me know what you thought. I'm doing double uploads since there's a planned power outage tommorrow where I live)

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