Part 28

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-Your Pov-

You lie with Raven, and she has her arms around you. The two of you have your foreheads touching in the small hotel bed, and then look into each others eyes. You take the time to get lost in them, just like you always used to back at Beacon. The details are mesmerizing, and you think to yourself how you could look at them forever, and still find something new to be impressed with. You reach to run your hands through her hair, and to your surprise, she lets you. You want to relearn every inch of her, explore her body. Running your hands through her hair, you find yourself feeling the way you did the first time you had laid with her like this. " Beautiful," you whisper to yourself, barely audible even to you.

As you do this, Raven traces your body with her fingers. " I wasn't too rough was I," she asks, referring to one of the bruises forming on your body. You shake your head that she wasn't, and then she nods. " That's good. I don't want to hurt you." As she continues to trace your body, she pauses at every injury, making sure they're not painful for you. Her eyes have a laser like focus as she too relearns your being. Carefully, she examines each and every inch, before her eyes look at one of the scars you have on your lower stomach. She traces it, and then looks up, her eyes begging the question as to why you have it.

The two of you spend several minutes, explaining each of your scars. " Are they all from when you were looking for me," she asks eventually, a mix of apologetically and almost like she's ashamed. You try to dodge the question, and then she tenderly caresses your face. " Oh (y/n)," she says softly. Somehow, that says everything she really wanted to say. Raven touches foreheads with you again, and then pulls you in closer.

" I want you to take care of yourself," she says. " I need you to eat more, and take better care of yourself. I'm serious. I need my Rose to grow." You hear her sniffle, and then wipe tears from her eyes, which surprises you. You've never seen Raven cry.

" I'm still your Rose," you ask tentatively. You had thought she stopped calling you that years ago, and when she called you that last night, it had simply been the heat of the moment. She kisses your forehead, and then plants a series of kisses on you.

" You're always going to be my Rose," she tells you, and your heart breaks in the best possible way. " So, I need you to grow for me." Her voice trails off for a moment, and she looks around the barely lit room for a few minutes. " Am I still your pretty-bird?"

" Yes," you tell her. " Are you going to fly away this time?" Raven places a hand on your heart, and then begins to stroke your back. When your heartbeat slows down to what she considers a manageable level she removes her hand, and returns the hug.

" About what we said to each other last night," she begins nervously, avoiding the question. " Did this mean anything? Or was just this two exes hooking up with each other?"

" It meant something to me. And, I hope it meant something to you also," you answer, and then she nods.

" It meant so much to me," she says. " And, also about last night. Those things we said to each other...did we mean them?"

" No. Or, at least I didn't. I was just angry, and also so confused to see you again after all those years. I didn't.....I just said things I thought would hurt you without thinking. I'm sorry for all of it."

" I am too," she says, placing a series of kisses on you. However, she lets out a long sigh. " I need to know. How's Yang doing? I've been watching her a distance. But, is she happy? Is she doing well?"

" She's doing just fine," you let her know, and then she lets out a long sigh of relief. " She's made great friends, and is doing amazing. She's on a team with my daughter and my niece. Yang is gonna be just fine."

" Oh thank Oum," says Raven, in a voice that you know can't be acting, letting you erase any doubts about how much of her regrets were real. " How's your daughter doing? And, I wanted to tell you (y/n), she's beautiful."

" Blake is doing fine. She and Yang are best friends, and getting closer. And, she has good people looking out for her. I need to call Kali and Ghira to thank them for that. She isn't ready to call me ' Dad' yet, or anything like that. But, the both of us want to do our best to get there."

" You're going to be a great father," she tells you. " I've watched from afar how you interact with Ruby and Yang. Your heart," she muses to herself, and then she starts tracing your heart around where your heart would be. " Such a good heart."

The two of you just look at each other lovingly, until the light of the sun pierces through. Sadly, she stands up and then turns to look at you. " What's next for you," she asks nervously. " Because, I need to go back to the tribe."

" I'll follow you to hell and back," you tell her, and she nods, knowing how you aren't making this up at all. " But pretty-bird, don't fly away again. Please....stay with me."

" I can't my Rose," she says sadly. " I need to leave. If I'm here too long, I won't be able to leave again." She places a hand on your cheek, and then smiles sadly at you, before pulling her hand away.

" Wait," you say, and she turns around. " I'll come with you. I want to be with you. I don't want to leave your garden."

This makes Raven smile, and then she opens a portal. She grabs your hand, and happily drags you through the portal. Your heart begins to beat with excitement, for now not caring about anything other than being with the woman you love.

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