Part 8

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-Your Pov-

You stand up, and make your way over to your team, and open your arms, hoping for a group hug. However, you end up ducking under a punch from Damien, and rising just in time to catch a punch from Violet. " Come on guys," you say, as you hop to avoid Yara sweeping your feet out from under you. " I know you guys may be a little angry with me. But, I'm here now. That counts for something right?"

Damien tries to keep glaring at you, until he breaks down into laughter. " Aw, come here man," he says, and pulls you into a hug. Yara and Violet look at him confused, and he just gives a shrug. " Come on, why even bother being angry with him? We never did manage to land a hit on him back at Beacon. Why would now be any different?"

Letting go of Damien, you see Violet and Yara shrug, and agree with Damien. Violet's eyes soften, and then she and Yara both go to hug you, and Damien joins again to make it a group hug. Eventually, you let go, and they turn back to you. " So, how have you been doing," asks Damien. " I see you picked up a few new scars."

" Yeah. But, none of them are actually all that bad." He nods, at this, and then sighs, before placing his hands in his pocket, and looks at you almost jealously. You ask him why, and then he actually chuckles before breaking into another laugh.

" You missed all of the boring lectures, and got a jump start on us all as a huntsman. The name of the 'Burning Rose' is becoming legendary. And, I'm sure the scars make you look cooler and more mysterious to women in bars. Seriously man." You laugh at this. Damien has always been like this, and seeing that the years haven't managed to change him all that much.

" Yeah, I guess so," you say, trying not to think of Raven for ten seconds, and keep the mood happy. " Still. I am sorry for leaving you guys out of nowhere. Was there any trouble that came up for you since you were a three man team?"

Damien shakes his head. " Nah, we were fine. You left after that year's Vytal Festival, so it isn't like we technically needed a fourth member for anything. For missions, we just got members of other teams to fill in for you. Although, we did miss you."

" Missed you too," you say, and Damien chuckles. He reaches over and pats you on the shoulder, and then you turn to the other two members of your team, hoping they'll forgive you just as easily as Damien did. Violet's blue eyes start to soften when she sees your smile, and then Yara holds a glare for a moment, and then she also lightens up as well. The two of them go in line, and then order something. From there, the four of you sit down and just start to talk about old times. Eventually, Violet turns to you.

" Why did you even leave," she asks. " And, how come you never told us anything about where you were? Or never even replied to any of our texts, or calls. We all tried to find you, and none of us were able to."

You sigh. With most other people, you would try the standard line of having just wanted to see the world a little bit. But, this is your team you're talking about. You spent the better part of three years getting to know  them, and know they would be able to see through anything you have to tell them other than the truth. Your grip gets tighter on your coffee cup, until you loosen it to stop yourself from breaking it.

" When Raven and I had broken up, I was taking it a lot harder than she was. It was a few months after the breakup, and she got with Tai. I needed a few days to just go and clear my head. Well, it was supposed to only be a few days. I just got caught up in mission after mission." The three of them look at you, and then nod. They apologize to you for how things played out with you and Raven, and you shrug.

" It happened. And, come on guys. Do you seriously think I'm still broken up inside based on a breakup that happened when I was a teenager? I mean come on guys. I'm 25." You say this, and then they laugh at you, and when they calm down, they look at you in a way that shows they can see right through your bullshit.

" (y/n), you told me Raven was 'the one,'" says Violet. " And, whenever you were with her, it was the happiest you had ever been. And when she kissed you for the first time, the light in your eyes. You were in love with her, and that would take you time to get over. You don't have to act like you aren't hurt by anything."

You started cracking your knuckles over and over again. " It's fine guys. It has been years. I'm only in town for the baby shower, and then I'm going to go back and do some work as a huntsman. I promise, this time I'm going to be better at keeping in touch, and visiting."

They nod, and a somber mood sets over the group as they realize how much all of them have drifted apart over the years, after spending years of your life bonding with each other, and getting to know each other. It makes those days at Beacon Academy seem to be so much further away then they actually are, and then you take a moment to realize that already, it's been almost a decade since your time at Beacon. The same realization hits your entire group, and then Yara turns to you.

" Hey, you never told us. If you don't mind my asking, why did you and Raven breakup?" You sigh, and consider not answering the question. But, they're your team, and they have a right to know, especially considering it is why you left them. Sighing, you brace yourself to relief losing her.

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