Part 31

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-Raven Pov-

When I tell (y/n) that I'm pregnant, he begins to stutter for awhile, unable to form a whole sentence. Color fades from his skin, and he becomes pale white, and then sweat begins to drop from him rapidly. " That's nice," he manages to say eventually, before he falls over onto the ground. I expect him to get up any second now, and then laugh at this joke of his. But, I stand for what feels like five minutes, and he doesn't get up. I check his vitals, and then I confirm for myself. He fainted. I have to stifle a laugh at his expense. Seeing how he reacted to this, I wish I could have seen his reaction to when he figured out he was Blake's father. It must have been something similar to this, and I wish I could have seen that.

Picking him up, I hand carry him for a little bit, before waking him up. I don't want the bandit tribe to think one of their new leaders is weak, so I make sure he's fully recovered. " We can talk about it when we get back," I tell him, and he nods, a blank look in his face, which I can only assume is complete and other confusion. I suppose I can't blame him for his reaction. When the portal opens, the two of us step through. Barking orders to the rest of the tribe, he and I quickly make our way back to our room. He holds up a finger, as if to ask for a moment, and then he faints again.

When I shake him awake, he sighs. " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to react like that. It's has this happened to me twice?" He and I share an earnest laugh. I regain composure sooner than he does, and then I take the time to look at him as he laughs. The sound fills the room, and there's a twinge in my heart. I've been away from that far too long.

" I should have told you sooner. When we got together that night, neither of us was using protection, and that obviously wasn't the smartest idea. But, I had been feeling some symptoms, so I found a pregnancy test. And, I tested positive. I wanted to surprise you with the news, but I realize I could have eased into it a little bit more."

" Dammit. I have to admit Summer was right now," he says, and then I manage a chuckle. He does too, before his face grows serious again, " But, how are you feeling about this Raven? You and me raising a child together?"

" It's something I always wanted," I admit to him. " And when I had to leave Yang, I didn't think I would ever get that chance again. But, now? This feels like a second chance to be a parent. How are you feeling? After all, you're the one who fainted twice."

" When I found out about Blake, I didn't know how to feel," he says. " I thought a lot of things. Mostly how I wished I had used protection, but still. I was also happy. A child is something I had wanted for a really long time. And for years, I thought the closest I was ever going to come was being Ruby's cool uncle. But, then I saw Blake. And, I love her. But this Raven? This is good. As much as this is a second chance for you to be a parent, this is a chance for me to be one too, this time from the very start."

" I smile at his honesty. " And Raven? I'm sure Yang would love to meet you. I mean, you're her mother after all. She still wants to find you. I get if you're not ready to see her, but I just want you to know you still have a chance with her," he says, and my heart warms. I missed his words of encouragement, his ability to see the desires of my heart with his gentle eyes.

" How are we going to handle this," I ask. " I mean, we're both bandits now. I don't want our baby to grow up in these conditions. I don't want her to inherit this life of fighting from the two of us, and above all I don't want her to grow up in constant danger."

" We're strong enough to protect her Rave," he says, and then he grabs my hand. With a soft squeeze, he touches our foreheads together. " You're the Spring Maiden. And, I have the silver eyes. We have the entire tribe willing to fight for us. So our baby is going to grow up safe and sound. No harm will come to her, or to you. Not while I have a single breath left to give."

" You're going to be a great father," I tell him. " You are already a great father. Our baby is so lucky that you're going to be her father. Thank you so much for being here, and not freaking out about this."

" I fainted twice," he points out. " But, I never got to tell you this back at Beacon. When we were dating, I was going to propose to you. I want all of this with you. I want to raise a family with you. This? This is something I have wanted for years."

Swallowing a lump in my throat, I feel tears well in my eyes, and then he brushes them away. " Do you think when we figure this all out, we can have a family with me, you, Blake, our baby on the way, and then Yang?"

" Of course," he says earnestly, which makes me smile. " I need you to tell Blake and Yang the news. If you aren't ready to see them, is there a message you would like for me to deliver?"

" Tell Yang that I love her, and I'm so proud of her," I tell him, and he nods, and then gets up. As he walks outside, I see him start handing out condoms to every male member of the tribe. After a little bit, he then heads off to go see our daughters, putting a smile on my face, and I place a hand over my stomach, wondering how long til I can feel the newest member of our family.

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