Part 21

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-Your Pov-

Yang's request to know more about her mother hangs in the air, and you wonder how you can answer it. It depends on if she knows you used to date Raven, and how much she already does know. And for another, you find yourself wondering why she isn't asking Tai about this. After all, he did marry her and conceive Yang with her. So, you start to rub the back of your head, and turn to her. " Well, I can tell you a lot about her. So, what did you want to know really," you ask. " And, really it might be easier for you to ask your dad about this kind of thing."

She reaches under her bed, and pulls out the same scrapbook Tai had shown you all those years ago. " I asked you because you're in so many pictures with my mom in this," she says. " And, I already asked Tai, but he refused to answer me. He just shut down and left the room. So, why does she have so many pictures with you?"

" We used to date," you tell her, and you see her eyes widen with confusion and disbelief. " Three years in fact." This makes Yang start to think, and she seems confused out of her mind. You give a small smile, and then she starts to open and close her mouth as she thinks of something to say. 

" Do you know why she left," asks Yang. " And, do you have any idea where she might be? Uncle Qrow told me she just vanished, but she has to be out there somewhere right?" You nod, and subtly roll your eyes, wondering what the hell Qrow had already told Yang. 

" I have no idea why she left," you admit. " And, if I knew where she was, then I would be making my way there. But, yes your mom is still out there somewhere. I know she had to have had a reason for leaving, but I just can't figure it out. I'm going to bring her back though Yang. That's a promise."

She thinks for a long minute, before looking between you and some of the pictures in the scrapbook. " Are you still in love with her,"she asks, going straight to the one question you were hoping wouldn't come up. The one question that seems so easy to answer, and yet is also somehow impossible. 

" Uh yeah," you admit to her after a long silence, not feeling like lying to yourself or the young girl. " I am. I loved her back when we dated at Beacon, and she was really my best friend other than my sister. She means the world to me, even with everything that happened between us."

Yang looks pleased with your answer, and then looks you in the eye. " So, why did you two break up," she asks. " Why did she start dating my dad?" You tell her that things weren't going to work out between you and her, not wanting to tell the young girl about the bandit tribe. She nods at your answer, and then a silence fills the room. 

" When did you realize you were in love with her," she asks, and you sigh and yet manage a wistful smile at the memory of those far away days.

-Flashback your pov-

Your mom and I were really opposites back in our time at Beacon. I was a goofball, and she was the mature one for the both of us. And, that isn't to say that we both didn't have our moments. But, that was generally how our relationship worked. She was never the romantic type, so our first Valentine's Day together was a little awkward. I wanted to do something together, but she wasn't a fan of the idea. 

I still did something for your mom. I baked her a cake, which she did enjoy. But, at the time she didn't know how to express it, so she treated it like it was just another cake, and nothing special. It really hurt my feelings, and so I kinda just locked myself into my room. My sister talked with Raven, and helped her understand why I was hurt, and that I was a romantic person, and that Raven would have to understand that if she didn't want to lose me. 

That entire day after the cake, I was bummed out. And, I remember your mother coming into my room with a dress, and holding a tray of cookies. She gave this long apology, and then told me she had baked the cookies herself. And, here's a secret. They were terrible. But the idea behind them meant so much to me. And then Raven took me to an amusement park, and we kissed. She had paid for the fireworks to make a heart with our name in them. Somewhere that night, I don't know when. But, I fell in love with her. 

That was the thing about your mom. She had one of the biggest hearts out of anyone I ever knew. And she hid it, and only let a select few people see it. But, my Oum you were so lucky if you did get to see it. If she chose to let you see the best parts of her, then you must have been a saint in a previous life. 

-Present Day, your pov-

After telling that story, you turn to Yang. " Does she have any pictures of that in the scrapbook," you ask curiously. Eventually, Yang finds one of you being carried bridal style by Raven, and her looking at you a mix of loving and annoyed. 

" Can I have that," you ask, and she hands it to you. Standing up, you ruffle her hair, and then head back out, determination to find Raven renewed. 

-Kali Pov-

I sit on the Bullhead with Ghira, as Blake reads. Since telling her about (y/n), things have been tense. However, she's started to direct her anger away from us, and onto him. I keep trying to reach him, but haven't been able. Eventually, I turn to Ghira. " Are we sure about this?"

He nods." Sure or not, we need to do this. We need to join the White Fang."

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