Part 23

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-Your Pov-

You sat in a tree, turning over the picture you had of Raven carrying you. Draped over you were the blankets and pillow someone had left for you when you had passed out drunk one night. You had no idea who had done that for you, but it meant the world. Truthfully, you had hoped it was Raven, but doubted it. However, it was because of this that you hadn't frozen to death a long time ago, and you were eternally grateful for that. You sighed, as you lay back in the tree, and then looked up at the stars. You never could make the constellations, but it was fun to act like you could. It was a nice night, peaceful. You didn't get this a lot. Between traveling, fighting Grimm and the odd tough guy at a bar, any time you could get anything remotely resembling tranquility was nice. That peace was almost immediately shattered by your scroll buzzing on and off. Rolling your eyes, you picked it up to see Yang blowing up your phone with texts. 

Yang: Do you have something you wanna tell me??

You: Uh, your mom and I got drunk one time and we swapped clothes. 

Yang: Not even remotely....wait what? You know what, it isn't important. 

You: You know, I was trying to sleep. I'm working on like two hours of sleep, and a full night would be nice. 

Yang: Do you have a daughter?

You: I would definitely know if I did. 

Yang: Really? Cause my teammate Blake looks like she could be your daughter. Her hair ends in the same red tips that you and Summer have/had. You two were the only ones I know who have that. 

You: Maybe she dyed it. 

Yang: I asked her about that. She yelled at me, and said it was natural, and mumbled something about how she wished it wasn't. 

You: Not everyone loves their hair as much as you do. 

Yang: Whenever someone calls Ruby by last name, Blake winces slightly. 

You: Yeah, I don't know then. I have never pissed off a woman that badly. Except for that time when I was drunk, and hit on Glynda. Oum, she threw me right through a wall. 

Yang: ( I gotta meet drunk you one day.) Oum, I can't believe I'm asking this. There's no way it could be Summer's, since she would have had to be intimate with Tai right away, since Blake is about my age. 

You: Freaky coincidence then Yang. Some people just look alike. I've seen it where two people have no blood relationship, and look like they could be related. 

Yang: Oum, I don't wanna ask this. Have you ever been intimate with someone other than my mom?

You: Uh....yeah. But, you see Yang. There's this helpful thing called a 'condom.' 

Yang: Yeah okay. Have you ever been with anyone with amber eyes, and black hair?

You: The one time yeah, but I wore a....shit, no I didn't. 

Yang: So, maybe blake is your daughter. 

You: Doubt it. Is Blake a faunas? 

Yang: Not that I know of. 

You: Then it can't be. Kali was a faunas. IF Blake was my daughter with Kali, then she would have  faunas features. 

Yang sends you a picture, with the caption attached that this is her teammate Blake. You nod to yourself, when you see the picture. A frantic storm of curses escapes from your lips. This very well could be you and Kali's daughter. She has a mixture of the two of your facial features, your red tips and her amber eyes. The bow she wears could easily be used to hide cat ears. 

You: Okay, so it looks like there's a chance she might be my daughter. 

Yang: You were saying something about condoms right?

You: You know what, I'm going to come visit Beacon. I've been meaning to visit anyways, and then I need to figure this out for sure. Tell Ruby I should be there in a few days or something. I'll bring her cookies. Do you want anything?

Yang: An explanation would be nice. I'm so confused right now. If you're still in love with my mom, how are you going to go around sleeping with these different women?

You: I plead the 5th. We can talk more in person. Get some sleep. We're going to figure this out. 

-Blake Pov-

I watch as Yang puts her scroll away, and then she turns to Ruby. " (y/n)'s on his way to visit," she says, and my eyes narrow. How is (y/n) connected to Yang? I know his connection to Ruby, probably her father. But, Ruby and Yang are sisters. Which would mean that...did (y/n) seriously father three fourths of Team RWBY. It makes me want to claw his eyes out, more than I already do. I make a note to avoid him when he does come to visit. 

However, Ruby gets really excited. Which pisses me off. If she's that happy to see him, either she's the most naive girl in the world, or he was a part of her life. You don't get too pick and choose which one of your daughters you're there for. " Uncle (y/n) is coming," she says, throwing both of her arms in the air, and squealing. 

Uncle?! (y/n)'s her uncle? No, there has to be some sort of mistake. Mom never mentioned (y/n) having any family members. After a minute, I finally realize it. (y/n) didn't want to own up to what he did, and so he convinced her mom to introduce him as an uncle. Another trick to get out out parental responsibilities. Though I will admit, this is a better trick than simply running away. 

Still, I can't help but feel bad for Yang, and Ruby too. The both of them probably don't know the truth about who (y/n) is. I wonder just how many women he had and used. Discarded when he was done with. 

-Raven Pov-

I sit in a tree, careful to avoid detection from (y/n). He sleeps, and I find myself carefully taking his scroll. The password screen comes up, and I curse silently, figuring he probably changed his password. However, I want to at least try what it was back at Beacon. 'October 3,' our anniversary. And to my surprise, his scroll opens up. 

I got to his texts with Yang, and then see the girl in question, to get a closer look than I had been able to. And then I know for sure as I look back and forth between the picture and (y/n). This is (y/n)'s daughter. And I find myself in a storm of emotions as I see this. Does he still love me?

( let me know what you thought. some bonding between Yang and (y/n), him headed to Beacon, and Raven's confusion.) 

Come home ( Raven x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ